
Dieser Risikofaktor plays with Rolle

Dieser Risikofaktor plays with Rolle

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Dieser Risikofaktor plays with Rolle
While the tension of the nerves plays out, more factors and roles are possible. A davon must come under the focus of the Wissenschaftlern. (Symbol photo) © Christin Klose/dpa-tmn

More and more people in Germany are suffering from Demenz. While the tension of the nerves plays out, more factors and roles are possible. There is a question that lies with the Wissenschaftlern in focus.

Fulda – The population is affected by people, young people, refugees – and that is not the case: since Germany activates 1.8 million people affected by mental illness, the Zahl Schätzungen zufolge 2050 can be estimated at 2.8 million people. This message has been sent 24vita. An alarming how Zahl, under the impression of the disease, that Alzheimer’s (the highest form of dementia) is not cured, the withering of the disease can be completely delayed.

Demenz vorbeugen: Dieser Risikofaktor plays weighty Rolle

It is always the case that one’s own hirn function can function optimally in young years. So it is a matter of more sustenance, nutrients and vitamins, which promote the longevity of the diet. But we are concerned about the risk factors: We are aware of certain factors that could not be affected by altering other factors, such as risk factors, which could lead to other risk factors in the environment of our lives, so that our health, such as a person who suffers from illness, sinks, so they die. Alzheimer Research Initiative.

Neurodegenerative diseases:

From neurodegenerative experiences spreads Fachleute to Informationen des Federal Ministeriums for Education and Researchif nerve cells and self-functions are lost and the damage is so great, that nerve is no longer compensated. These can cause neurodegenerative experiences in Demenz and Parkinson.

Demnach gehen Forscher davon aus, dass welltweit 45 Prozent all Demenzerkrankungen vermieden or der zogert were konnten. The University College London scientist was misunderstood and was the biggest undertaking for Demenz. This is the data of 27 studies with dementia patients since 68 years (from 1947 to 2015).

Die Ergebnisse wurden im Fachmagazin “The Lancet Public Health” published. There are genetic components that can influence Forscher function, applying the following factors: the risks for humans are higher:

  • Diabetes
  • Skill
  • Blood pressure
  • To grieve
  • Education level

Forscher: Ein Hauptrisikofaktor für die Entstehung von Demenz

It is also clear that it is a larger factor that increases the risks and their consequences. The best of the 27 studies that Forscher has made is an identification of a factor, which is one of the most important roles: Bluthochdruck (Hypertonia) – a Blutdruck, the oberhalb of the norm, gilded as a larger risk factor for a Demenz.

Illness increases blood pressure heard over the most common cardiovascular diseases. This category includes the Heart and Blood Pressure. These cardiovascular risk factors can be used in conducting research by the Demenz-Prävention, so Naaheed Mukadam, Psychiatrist and Chief Author of the Study.

If you lead a healthy and active life, exercise regularly, socialize with you and have medical risk factors with care, care, blood sugar and cholesterol, then it is likely that you are a person who takes risks senken“, die quickly Alzheimer Research Initiative ihre tips for prevention measures.

Recognizing early symptoms: While Alzheimer’s usually comes from the power of disease lust, other forms of dementia, such as frontotemporal dementia, change the personal life of those affected.

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This treatment contains all the information about your physical health and should not provide for self-diagnosis, self-treatment or self-medication. No doctor’s advice is required. Individual excerpts from the Krankheitsbildern would be done by a non-editorial team.