
Stadt München spricht Wiesn-Verbot aus

Stadt München spricht Wiesn-Verbot aus

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On the crib is a Messerbot. It is possible to celebrate the Oktoberfest birthday, but we still have verboten.

Munich – Die 189. Wiesn steht unmittelbar bevor. On Monday (September 21) it is then a matter of the Münchner Theresienwiese wieder “O’ zapft is”. The last days before the start of the Oktoberfest 2024, the Police and the City of Munich have prepared the Security Concept for the Volksfest. These cannot be executed and the boats are now placed on a server bot.

Visitors and a Messer
Auf der Wiesn sind Hieb- und Stichwaffen, wie etwa Messer, verboten (Symbolbild). © Wolfgang Maria Weber/Imago & BildFunkMV/Imago

All options that could harm others are forbidden on the road – on Messer

Kreisverwaltungsreferentine Dr. Hanna Sammüller-Gradl dies in Mittwoch (September 18) at a press conference with the German Munchner Police. “All measures are verboten, which you can buy, others you can forgo. That is a matter of a Messerbot“, i.e. the Kreisverwaltungsreferentin. On the Oktoberfest page it says: “nicht erlaubt since Gas-Sprühdosen with schädlichem Inhalt, ätzende or derbende Substanzen and Gegenstände, which could be used as Hieb-, Stoß- or Stichwaffen”.

On the service day (17 September) it is possible to put a theme messer on the cradle. So if the city of Munich has an Oktoberfest site in the region, there is no longer a messer crash zone, but the notorious jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior was only resolved after the start of the war. Messer dafür nicht tolerated on the festival site itself.

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Security concept on the Wiesn: Auch Glasflaschen and Drohnen are prohibited

The Waffenverbot is no longer another solution and substances on the Wiesn. Dazu gehören unter anderm auch Glasflaschen. This period will not continue with the party that is brought. Gilded at the Oktoberfest a Cannabis-Verbot. If there was a problem and there was a risk, you risked a sum of money of 1500 euros, which the Leader of the Abteilung Einsatz of the Polizei yielded, Christian Huber at the Press Conference. This dry air flow is one of the best ways to increase the party atmosphere.

Polizei zur Sicherheitsslag auf der Wiesn: “Since you are welcome”

In Consideration of possible Anschläge Huber spoke of a “hohen abstrakten Gefährdungslage”. If there is no problem, it is a problem in some possible way. „Derzeit lie our keine Hinweise dazu vor“, so der Leiter der Abteilung Einsatz. „Wir since sehr gut vorbereitet“, so Huber zum general police presence at the Oktoberfest. (yr)