
OTS: Return / Return invests 50 Million Euro in the Hamburger …

OTS: Return / Return invests 50 Million Euro in the Hamburger …

Return investment of 50 million euros in the Hamburger Unternehmen J&P in the Ausbau der Energiespeicherung in Europe (PHOTO)

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Hamburg (ots) – Return, a successful Dutch Investitions and

Development platform for the energy transition, with an investment of 50

Millions of euros for the improvement of a J&P Battery Project in Hamburg

acquired. The umbrella is the next step in the company’s strategy

Expansion of Return on the German market for new energies. If all goes well

Solid Pipeline of over 4 Gigawatt Specifications are available from J&P,

There is an energy store in the whole of Europe, which deals with energy.

Während der Ausbau erneuerbarer Energiequellen schon long schnell

voranschreitet, bestht nach wie voor een erheblicher Bedarf an der Erweiterung

von Speicherkapazitäten. Additional information regarding the Schlüssel zum

efficient Betrieb der Stromnetze. This Herausforderung eröffnet Entwicklern

and new investors, innovations and deaths

Storage capacities and the level of flow from renewable energies

Anzugleichen en damit zum europäischen Ziel “Net-Zero-Emissions bis 2050”

beizutragen. Gemeinsam wollen Return and J&P a umpangreiches,

own financing of a project portfolio and betreiben. Then you

on the umfassende Erfahrung von Return zurück, which produces 70 MW (150

MWh) with operational Anlagen involved and 450 MW (1,700 MWh) construction projects

entwickeln and umsetzen. The partnership will be returned to the future

unabhängigen Flexibility in (Northern) Europe machen und maßgeblich dazu

beitragen, dass die Nachfrage von Strom im Netz in Echtzeit were born


Expansion in Germany

Strategic acquisition is put first

deutschen Büros von Return in Munich during its own platform SemperPower

auf. SemperPower is pursuing projects with more than 3 Gigawatts in Germany

fort history Entwicklugsstadium with intact Netzbetreibern. Die

The collaboration did not materialize, the zügigen Ausbau von Kapazitäten in

Deutschland in de kommenden Jahren zu fördern.

Willem-Jan Schutte, CEO of Return, said: “The investment is a bigger issue

Schritt auf unserem Weg, der führende Flexibilitätsanbieter in Europa zu be.

Since we are together and with our friends, we will have such exciting work together with J&P

started. During the wedding with Jens Peters and Philipp Jebens

combine expertise and resources with strategic analysis

Herausforderern des Energiemarkten were in der Lage Sein, de notnauwen

Entwicklung von Energiespeichern in Deutschland voranzutreiben.”

Philipp Jebens, Geschäftsführer von J&P: “Wir since vom urgenten bedarf an

Flexibility in the German energy landscape and its possibilities

a year with the Entwicklung and Umsetzung a project has started. Thanks

Dieser Investition und der Zusammenarbeit mit Return befinden wir us in der

attractive position, a more important partner for networking and activities of the

Energiewirtschaft would become more flexible in their portfolios


Focus on energy expression

Return is possible for a simple structure, with or without the Innovationskraft

and the pace of non-international firms with institutional capital,

Fähigkeiten and operator know-how combined. Zu der Unternehmensgruppe

Gehören SemperPower, der major Betreiber von Batteriespeichersystemen (BESS) in

the Netherlands with a visible pipeline of more than 6 GW in the Netherlands

Niederlanden und Deutschland, Lion Storage, dessen Vorzeigeprojekt Mufasa mit

a capacity of over 350 MW (1.4 GWh) developed, one of the largest BESS in

the Netherlands would become, anyway the Spanish Unternehmen Ekhi.

About Return

Return is an investment and development platform for the Energiewende,

the Capital with the Innovation Power and the pace of some missions

Scale-Ups come together, a number of companies and projects. Return was made by

a Group of Innovators has been founded, which could last more than a year

work together. They have developed Sunrock as an active entrepreneur in the region

der Dachsolarenergie in Europa etabliert and Vandebron, the largest unabhängigen

Ökostromanbieter in the Netherlands, for the signalman Übernahme by Essent

supported. With portfolio support, against SemperPower, Lion Storage

and J&P, is the Return-leading factor in the Entwicklung and the larger bet

Battery charging system in Europe. At the end of 2023, the Unternehmen was in one

Investment round of 100 million euros, which in partnerships with

Entwicklern invests and a project in Achieving erneuerbare energies zu


About J&P Battery Projects

J&P collaborated with Jens Peters and Philipp Jebens, who met at the age of 40

Jahre Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Investition in erneuerbare Energien,

single wind, solar and BESS, Mitbringen. With a solid pipeline von

über 4 Gigawatt and Speicherprojekten and a strong team is J&P gut

Suppose, one of the Entwicklung von Energiespeichern in whole Europe zu

to shove.

Press contact:

Rebecca Quack

Cognitive media

mailto:(email protected)


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Source: dpa-AFX