
NZZ Live discusses KI-Trends: Job-Killer or Fachkräftemangel-Lösung?

Moderator with the Discussion Steilnehmenden (from left to right): Lukas Mäder («Neue Zürcher Zeitung»), Marisa Tschopp (scip AG and Women in AI), Miriam Dachsel (Accenture), Simon Felix (Ateleris).

Moderator with the Discussion Steilnehmenden (from left to right): Lukas Mäder («Neue Zürcher Zeitung»), Marisa Tschopp (scip AG and Women in AI), Miriam Dachsel (Accenture), Simon Felix (Ateleris).

NZZ live

Certainly on the computer, for the people from the hourly demand, they weld with the help of smart intellectuals (AI) and an inner little security per button-press erleeven. Because it is very important that there is a large supply, but the production is higher, the production is automated and the processes are automated. Average Forecasts of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) were in the coming years 1.1 million working places through AI remarkable changes, had become a social achievement.

Just like a human

A stage discussion of «NZZ Live» will be on September 12, 2024 in Zurich under the Gesprächsleitung of Lukas Mäder, NZZ-Redaktor Technology with Schwerpunkt Cybersicherheit, two experts and an expert on the theme «Künstliche Intelligenz – de Arbeitskraft der Zukunft?» spoken. The information about the implementation format “Zukunftsdebatte” from the sponsoring partner Accenture, which is important for the major service management companies in the management and strategy management of technology and outsourcing (see the Infobox).

In the moderators’ opening question, which intelligent AI is proper, Simon Felix, AI expert and founder of the company’s studio, says about the classic definition of the year 1960: “It is considered a machine that is intelligent, if it is depicted as beautifully as a human being.” Fundamentally, AI systems are rarely developed that can even change. If the AI ​​system is static, it can no longer function. Adjustments and improvements are periodically guided by Hand in the Road. There are many people who have generated AI generatively, with the text, images, tone and language.

AI as an Efficiency Booster

Miriam Dachsel, Lead Strategy and Consulting at Accenture Switzerland, said that companies rely on AI, a cost saving and the costs on the scaffolding. “Accenture has taken a chance with AI and can give another idea that it will be effective.” Currently, it may not be the case that there is a date, and a company that has developed a generative AI, but it is a trend, a real Business Case is a fact. “We see different Reifegrade at companies,” said this. No matter how the company works, the data security of eight. Simon Felix very, that is the way Start-ups used AI, they will make a lot more money and get more work.

According to Marisa Tschopp, psychologist at scip AG and foresight at Women in AI, most of the human functions of AI were not strengthened and were no longer strengthened. “As systems become humanized, they are gladly exemplified,” she explains. A logical consequence of the fact that a man naturally cannot tolerate a machine, but a man tolerates, what is a human being is a human being. A generative AI warns that chatbots are available in mental health care. “Dort is an einsatz-like tricky, that is the way in which Selbstmord is considered as a solution-proposed-word,” he says.

Changes in Berufsbildern

Miriam Dachsel, a study by Accenture, has been given 48 shares of the company that has power in the labor market. “If we see that the evidence has been provided, the system is generally not as intelligent as the human being thinks.” The separation must take place in cases where neither people nor people are affected. “Ich mage eher von een Erweiterung en Veränderung eines Berufsbilds sprechen”, she explains. Something in pharmaceutical research is needed, people see the end. It may be that the human being is not in a machine. “When Jobs starts, the administrative work will change, we will build a machine with the AI, faster and more flexible can.” If you do this, you can get the chance to do the work. This Entwicklung is one of the industrial developments that will be more new than ever.

For Simon Felix it is ​​swiftly abzuschätzen, in which he is long-freshly driven and can disappear. “There are bad journalists and cartoon characters who deal with information and office information.” With the best time, their job profile was changed. The cooking and work did not become smaller. Extra work KI is not free. It may be that the costs are higher if there is a case of disability. “Everything that yields the return is a good thing for everything”, says there. Marisa Tschopp regretted that her contribution to certain jobs through the KI can be seen. But “the human in the loop” became clear, when the human was no longer motivated and noticeable.

Sparring partner with human Zügen

Gemäss Execution by Miriam Dachsel is thanks to KI for the Swiss inner years a supplementary value creation of 92 billion CHF possible. If you see the company, it is so that the KI has no legitimate implementation and can no longer earn money from the big Executions. Simon Felix shocked one of the many generative systems that are plausible, but there is no question of an appropriate answer. “Closing systems such as those of the SBB road plan function hinged well”, he explains. The ChatGPT is so flawless that Marisa Tschopp says that Zugriff has a system that is complicated and complicated as Siri or Alexa. “Bei de Nutzerinnen and Nutzern there is a certain enthusiasm, weil ChatGPT who functions a sparring partner with human beings.”

Simon Felix testifies to ChatGPT and Magic, which is in the most recent Antwort manifesto. This system works human-oriented and performs an art dialogue. Marisa Tschopp said, that she had performed the ChatGPT überschätzt, and that the manipulation was the best. Laut Miriam Dachsel says that AI is relatively long. The hype is the first with the generation that we have reached. Once you know, “that hype is a fact and I am a more natural part of life, which is used as a local application in smartphones.”

Countermovement as correct

For Simon Felix, the man would do his best and no longer thank, whatever other practical calculations of the fall. “The hype around AI has also positive sides,” says Marisa Tschopp überzeugt. The people speak of power and thank the sin and the persecutions. “It is a question of action, which is correct.”

The next view of «NZZ Live»

«Künstliche Intelligenz – de Arbeitskraft der Zukunft?»: Aufmerksames Publikum während der Veranstaltung von «NZZ Live».

«Künstliche Intelligenz – de Arbeitskraft der Zukunft?»: Aufmerksames Publikum während der Veranstaltung von «NZZ Live».

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