
Zahnmedizin, Jura, Technical Product Designer – a new life with Happy End

Zahnmedizin, Jura, Technical Product Designer – a new life with Happy End

(openPR) From tooth medicine to Jura to technical product designer? Hubert Sadowski has found a great path, which is so inspiring. If there is a long phase of orientation in the study, the study can not last longer and then enter a new phase, while it is the Leidenschaft für Technik. It is absolutely necessary that the technical product designer, the mechanical engineering and anlagenconstruction of the BFW Leipzig make a design. The IOT – Innovative Oberflächentechnologien GmbH can offer a potential potential to carry out the blessing study (Praktikum) and to remain as gentle as possible during a party.

If there is another step of the Umschulung and that in 27 Monaten mastered, it is a matter of talking to us. With Sandra Ziegler-Landmann, HR manager of IOT, she said that they had a new start and an inclusion function that can and who can use them in such matters to reduce costs with the BFW Leipzig.

BFW Leipzig: Herr Sadowski, you still don’t know what happened, who became the brand name of BFW Leipzig?
Hubert Sadowski: Erhalt are de Bildungsgutscheines un hergehend war die Auswahl een entsprechenden Bildungsinrichtung. After my research in the summer/summer 2021, the BFW Leipzig is the best Wahl bezüglich Leistungsangebot und Ort (Wohnort).

BFW Leipzig: Would you like to get an idea, would you like to know how the technical product designer of the technical product designer can develop?
Hubert Sadowski: There is interest in technical aspects and functions, other aspects of working on the PC with non-interested programs and new reforms and improvements in machine construction.

BFW Leipzig: How about your visit to BFW Leipzig?
Hubert Sadowski: I think it is good that I am in the Vorfeld of the BFW organization in Leipzig and that there can be no more war.

BFW Leipzig: It was always the case with the BFW Leipzig, it was special during the time of the year
Hubert Sadowski: Image and image displays with many years of experience in construction and/or construction technology since both practical care have been taken in the past. Interesting themes and fragments can have major consequences.

BFW Leipzig: Who ended up at the marketplace at IOT GmbH? What about the BFW Leipzig for the job that is not being done?
Hubert Sadowski: I am absolutely sure about the use of the technology in the form of a learning phase (Praktikum) at the IOT – Innovative Oberflächentechnologien GmbH. At that time it is a good idea to be a technical product designer in the Arbeitsalltag.

BFW Leipzig: Who gestaltete sich Ihr Start in new Berufsleben?
Hubert Sadowski: Knapp 14 days after the completion of the Abschlussprüfung at the IHK in Leipzig started with the Arbeitsverhältnis bei the IOT – Innovative Oberflächentechnologien GmbH. The basic labor laws were still not good in the business and such a stature itself is the starting point.

BFW Leipzig: Who is the long-term at IOT GmbH and who is the recent one?
Hubert Sadowski: I’m here now (August 2024) since I’ve been happy for a while since IOT – Innovative Oberflächentechnologien GmbH. The work in the Sondermaschinenbau is a big problem and cannot yield any “grey work allowances”. The connection with the best team is unproblematic.

BFW Leipzig: Do you have any tips for new rehabilitation and medical care?
Hubert Sadowski: If one of the following educations and the qualification of the father follows a new education, he can follow a new education with a new education and follow a new education. Whether it is one or the other, did not fall into flames, bzw. Fallen during learning, man is never lose and the problem is that he is put in the Blik. If you take the time to go and look and do not want more, then the way is once.

BFW Leipzig: Was it a matter of life?
Hubert Sadowski: Nor fell Jahre im Berufsleben.


BFW Leipzig: Is it a special connection for business development work?
Sandra Ziegler-Landmann: We have worked hand in hand with our BFW Leipzig for a number of years. We will continue to develop our skills in our learning phase (Praktikum). A Hauptaugen brand lies in the background of the technical product designers. While the new Vorstellung in the job buffets at BFW Leipzig – a meeting point for Firms and Umschüler – the IOT GmbH could now win new Practitioners in the Electronics Area for Geräte and Systeme.

BFW Leipzig: Who became aufmerksam on Herrn Sadowski?
Sandra Ziegler-Landmann: During the Recommendation of the BFW Leipzig there was the first telephone contact with your sister. The ongoing investigation and a conversation space, while Herrn Sadowski learns a platz for his betriebliche, learns how he can eat.

BFW Leipzig: Arbeiten bei Ihnen nor weitere Menschen mit Beinträchtigungen? Who do you want to help?
Sandra Ziegler-Landmann: There may be a number of ways in which the insight into our work arises over time and the damn practical application of the learned touches is ermöglichen. Have fun Monate teaches us a gegenseitig besser know. Make sure that you reach a large part of the potential. Die IOT GmbH wants to use this opportunity long. So the new Stellen for Technical Product Designer, which are partly set up for work niches with high adjustable writing and ergonomic office chairs. An integrated external culture is a unique way of working with a flexible working time design.

BFW Leipzig: Must you consider the design of your father Sadowski to structure things? Zum Beispiel bestimmte Prozesse adapt?
Sandra Ziegler-Landmann: Based on the knowledge about the school, necessary steps have been taken and adjustments made. Our team leader, who himself has been involved in the design of a technical product designer at BFW Leipzig, has made his own design plan. The plan consists of Phantom projects, by the man to develop and to make technical, to design and to fertilize during practical applications that can be carried out. Thus the initiative is explained in detail.

BFW Leipzig: Would you like to know more about the information provided by the Fachkräften during the BFW Leipzig or what you want?
Sandra Ziegler-Landmann: The Job Buffet in BFW Leipzig opens up Gardens in the technical field. There are new contacts with a suitable solution to meet. When the world opens up again, when the fear lies on other Berufsgruppen, the kaufmannische Bereich is stretched.

BFW Leipzig: Were people with good intentions along the way?
Sandra Ziegler-Landmann: Do not be afraid, new ways to go. See new and offensive. At der IOT GmbH it is possible to find a ​​​​help, to find the way to it. It is possible that your learning phase is continued and can be continued a little.

BFW Leipzig: Was there a question about how others improve the Beschäftigung von Menschen mit Beinträchtigungen?
Sandra Ziegler-Landmann: An attack and a transparent communication culture and the desire to support people with Beeinträchtigungen. It is a good idea to combine a ​​​​company and employment mediation, a higher motivation and loyalty with competition and collegiality. In addition, there is a contingency for a merger for the establishment of new work places