
Hochwasser, Sturm & Co. – New: Braucht is a Katastrofen-Pflichtversicherung?

Hochwasser, Sturm & Co. – New: Braucht is a Katastrofen-Pflichtversicherung?

Die Bilder der Verwüstung nach den schweren Unwettern in Niederösterreich sind noch fresh. How is it affected when the tree in its existence and fragments itself: Wer kommt für die Schäden auf?

Whoever is affected by the damage to a million dollars of state funds by the compensation commissions – and by the steuerzahlern – is criticized, pay attention to the politics itself. A lawsuit for damages is not possible. Derselbe Schadensfall is available at 80, 90 or now at 20 years. The Catastrophenfonds is covered.

In fact, most stars now no longer have natural disasters. Die Eigenheim-bzw. Haushaltsversicherung does not completely cover Hochwasser-Schäden in der Regel. The insurance industry ensures mandatory basic damage insurance. But it is still true.

Versicherer drängen auf Pflichtversicherung

“In the years when we believed that the natural catastrophes in Austria were worth a billion euros. This Entwicklung is more like delivery,” warned Stefan Jauk, General Director of the Niederösterreichischen Versicherung (NV)

Jauk plädiert für einen “Schulterschluss zischen Privatwirtschaft und öffentlicher Hand, een nachhaltige loan to purchase.” Auch der Versicherungsverband Österreich (VVO) considers urgent treatment of lung diseases: “These damage to natural causes incur enormous costs. You can now make a gesture of solidarity. A tragic loss for the abolition of state control is the merger of a state and private separate entity,” he says in a position paper from the VVO.

While the OECD in the Economic Survey 2024 influences Austria through a pronounced diversification solution. With damages in the amount of more than a billion euros in the year that the country is living on Platz 4, the natural damage caused by the BIP.

The Insurance Association (VVO) is suing, by making natural disaster risks mandatory and linking fire insurance, which means that the best coverage in fire insurance, a natural disaster coverage would be solved. These or other devices are used in France, Belgium, Spain or in Switzerland. It is a fact that there is a new story about insurance treaty laws.

Kritiker warnen voor Mehrbelastung

The Chamber of Workers (AK) has a solchen Pflichtvericherung skeptical gegenüber. You can pay a higher financial burden for the costs of the rising costs.

Other criticism of an elementary argumentation, that the subject is based on the practice on the Bauvorschriften, plan of action and reduction of risk awareness in the population lie sollte. The “Belgian model”, which uses the insurance as an example, would contain a form of state regulation and control: the state would be separate, was and wanted to enter the world.

Franz Prettenthaler, social mathematician and director of the Zentrums für Klima, Energie und Gesellschaft LIFE of Joanneum Research in Graz, plädiert gegenüber dem “” for an Entpolitisierung der Compensation and a rights case for a certain Leistungen. Prettenthaler pays attention to private insurance pools after the Swiss Vorbild with the soul, he or she will be responsible for private information. The State may grant special subsidies. “The solution can now be a combination of öffentlicher Hand and private Versicherern sein”, concrete Prettenthaler.

Aktueller Versicherungsschutz der NÖ-Landsleute is often not available

At the moment, most Lower Austria are only unconditionally insured against natural disasters. The insurance sums for natural disaster risks are mostly between 5,000 and 10,000 euros, the insurance association estimates. At high water, the damage capacity for most insurers is the severity of the damage as a guarantee. This summary does not apply to the fact that the damages are illegally on deck after winter. The NV only claims for the young years with a “multiple million dollar amount” and damages. Many people are affected by state aid or private expenditure.

Allein de NV, the main provider in the region, will settle claims of 80 to 100 million euros before 2024. It is a major damage in the 100 year long company history. Beim jüngsten Hochwasser in Niederösterreich hat die Versicherung bereits über 8,000 Schäden erasst and beef 800 Fall ausbezahlt, wobei tagch etwa 600 more Fall were abgeschlossen. Influenced people can turn to one of the 24-Stunden-Soforthilfe und Versicherung, een Urgent Fragen zu klären and Sofortmaßnahmen einzuleiten. NV General Manager Stefan Jauk shows the Bedeutung Faster and Unbürokratischer Hilfe in this changeable situation.

Obligatory insurance or other solutions – Experts are a bit, that Handlungsbedarf besteht. The consequences of extreme weather conditions are a new impetus, a financial repayment of the investment will have natural consequences. The core issue is a letztendlich problem, where the climate conditions can be expanded with: Entweder the society as all by tax or insurance obligations, or to an honorable part that directly affected itself. The costs are not too low.