
Polizei and Staatsanwalt use their Anschlägen

Polizei and Staatsanwalt use their Anschlägen

After the explosion in the Cologne Innenstadt the Polizei and the Statesman first started to blow up the cases. It could be a hint of the Anschlägen-stecken.

The police and the State Attorney’s Office believe that the Donnerstag first caused the explosions of both, which occurred in the week in the Cologne inner city. At a press conference you will perform the operation in the active position of the Ermittlungen.

“The connections between the countries that organize crime prevention in the Netherlands lie by hand”

“We are taking action as a police officer in Cologne to ensure that the police forces are well informed during the fall of the Gewalt- en Schwerkriminalität, which is as yet in Cologne so not gegeben hat”, said the leading Kriminalinspektor Michael Esser in the Donnerstag.

“Viele Kölnerinnen, Kölner und Geschäftstreibende sind in großer Sorge. Wir nehmen die Sorgen sehr seriously en tun alles, was in unserer Macht steht, um de Serie von Sprengungen und Schüssen auf Häuser zu legden und de Hintermanner festzunehmen.” Esser concreted.

Eränzte: “The connections between the authorities for organized crime in the Netherlands lie in hand.” There is Tatorte in the entire NRW, the Schwerpunkt is currently in the Kölner Stadtgebiet, so Esser.

In the past Monaten it is more and more an explosion for House or Business entrances in Cologne and North Rhine-Westphalia. One of the attacks was the Dutch “Mocro-Mafia” order, which spreads its chatter in NRW. This is a Schussabgaben and a Geiselnahme in Cologne-Rodenkirchen. The wall is insulted in the fight against the “Mocro-Mafia” and the establishment of local Drogenbanden.