
260 Recreational Winning Cards!

260 Recreational Winning Cards!

Dieser Herbst is a complete trauma

Besser as well as with the Recreation Orchestra can start man nicht in den Herbst: New sinfonic Program in Stefaniensaal and four Barock-Abende in Minoritensaal lassen Klassik-Herzen higher swings. Before anything, once you’ve done a few things, you can’t help but find courage.

Zum Beispiel a Fiordiligi en Ferrando in Così fan tutte – with the turbulent Ouvertüre zu Mozart’s Faschingsoper opening of the young conductor Tobias Wögerer from Linz de Saison. I am following the program Joseph Haydn’s Cello Concerto No. 2 in D-Dur with the young cellist Hyazintha Andrej and Franz Schubert’s Sinfonie No. 6 in C

Mozart and Dvořák were unglued as young people – in ihre Schwägerinnen. One of the wonderful music, which is the reclaiming, can be a man in the Sinfonia concertante KV 364 and in June in Dvořák’s Streicherserenade foutreuen.

The secret theme “greatest love couple” will see during the 2024/25 season: Romeo and Juliet (alla Prokofiev), Tony and Maria in the best Rhythmen of Westside Story, Clara and Robert Schumann or the legendary “Butterfly Lovers” from China Herz and Ohr . Auch der 200. Geburtstag von Johann Strauss Sohn was gewürdigt: Wolfgang Redik und Ursula Strauss feiern ihn met een Abend aus Texten und Musik. Two hours in three strokes all along. More information: