
Playful: Science Garden Festival inspires Nachwuchsforscher

Playful: Science Garden Festival inspires Nachwuchsforscher

The Science Garden Festival will take place from 19 to 21 September during Eintritt tausende young Steirerinnen and Steirer in the World of Technology and Research. At the multi-channel machine stations on the Campus of the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) it is not possible to find out more about the most fanatical programs.

GRAZ. “MINT was kann ich dir helfen”, on the T-shirts of Helferinnen and Helfers all over the world, who are the young Besucherinnen and Besucher des Science Garden Festivals at the Inffeld Campus of the TU Graz when discovered, helpful. “MINT” remains in the packaging for the area Mathematic, Icomputer science, Nnatural sciences and Technik, for the man among the Schülerinnen and Schülern a Leidenschaft entfachen will.

Vom Computer code bis Weltall, vom Elektromotor bis zur Beit at Microskop uvm. – the Festival in Graz is celebrated "largest experimental" the Landes. | Photo: MeinBezirk

In any case, if the universities, industry and politics are a little occupied with the development of projects of the domestic economy, things can become more interesting. With this, the homeland science and economic status will create its full potential, as TU Rector Horst Bischof concrete: “One of the things that drives the Erfindergeist.”

In the Rahmen of the Mitmachstationen a stamp was left, with the large Science-Garden-Gewinnspiel of the Forschernachwuchs in the larger Science-Garden-Gewinnspiel teilnehmen kann. | Photo: MeinBezirk

The more important parts of the festival programs are here as well 3. MINT Forum Styria. In the Rahmen there are more than 300 Pädagoginnen and Pädagogen zum Erfahrungsaustausch. In the meantime, 35 MINT-Gütesiegel and Styrian Schools were removed.

Investments for innovations

The Steirischen Landesregierung would establish one of the MINT coordination bodies in cooperation with the Science Garden for the year 2024. Since we no longer pursue the topics for the Bundesland activities, we will have our own MINT strategy for the Steiermark equipment, so Landesrätin Barbara Eibinger-Miedl.

Leader of the Science Garden Festivals (from left): Alfred Marchler (Vizepräsident der Industriellenvereinigung Steiermark), TU-Graz-Rektor Horst Bischof, Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftslandesrätin Barbara Eibinger Miedl, Bundesbildungsminister Martin Polaschek, Bildungsdirektorin Elisabeth Meixner and Peter Mos er, Rector der Montanuniversität Leoben. | Photo: MeinBezirk

It is inspiring to see how the Festivals Wissenschaft is being fused together, found Education Minister Martin Polaschek indes lobende Worte für die Veranstaltung: “That playful art and weise, tolle Experimente, which became the children’s great art understood – that is the time I have, so not gegeben.” Where the other gewesen, it is likely that a study of physics has shifted, i.e. from the Bundespolitiker, Rechtszaken and here the Rektor of the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz on the Nachfrage von My District.

Bewustseinsbildung: Gerade young women and women will be empowered with strong MINT-Berufe schmackhaft. | Photo: MeinBezirk

Derzeit stehe die Gesellschaft for major herausforderungen, so Polaschek more: “Wenn wir diese loose wollen, brauchen wir noch fell more kluge, engaged, creative people. Diese wollen wir motivate, indem wir österreichweit bislang 14 MINT-Regionen ins Leben geufen haben, wed Schools, Hochschuleinrichtungen und die Wirtschaft nicht ammenarbeiten.” Bewusstseinsbildung sei nach wie vor notnauw – “for everything young women and mothers were concerned”. That would be one thing Support fund worth one million euros prepared for MINT project.

More information about Science Garden Festivals Program can be found at

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