
Bestpreisklausel: EU-Gericht stärkt Hotels gegenüber

Bestpreisklausel: EU-Gericht stärkt Hotels gegenüber

Europäischer Gerichtshof entscheidet gegen Bestpreisklausel

Before you travel to book sports languages ​​via, Expedia or HRS give information about and then on the internet site of hotels that can win prizes – these can probably provide a lot more people. This is one of the following things: If rooms are booked via external portals, the hotels must pay a provision on the portal. If you save money on your own internet site, you can use those bets and the bonus to further your knowledge. So right, who now belongs to the European Court of Justice (EuGH) in Luxembourg.

The Dutch Buchungsportal has hotels that are available in the best price category. Those people do not dare to explore their own website when they work on the platform. So we were prevented from booking Nutzer to the price comparison, then on the hotel website.

Days are in Germany since 2015 that the Federal Cartel Office has progressed and been canceled by, Best Prices in the future with hotels available – a matter of time, the Federal Court of Justice will be the best. Other countries in the EU would have a scent area: In Belgium, Italy, France and Austria, the Unternehmen Solche Klauseln would be verboten.

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2020 sich is a Dutch court and wolllte feststellen lassen, that Bestpreisklauseln not subject to EU law. German Hotels and Hotel Groups offer extensive information and offers from

The Dutch ministry has set up the Verfahren, which wants to go to the EuGH and wants to know, by Klauseln to decide after the EU law. If you are now in the sinful hotels: the best award ceremonies are possible, we will the European legal act. You are not necessarily, because the platforms that remain commercial. It is a fact that the world in the federal states with the best price clause ban is not gefährdet. says that the Urteil is a success. If you see the Standpunkt, if you are paritätklauseln, go to Deutschland files, “necessary and angemessen in the hint on the Beziehungen-zwischen-unterkunftspartnern and were”. I can not but separate the niederländische aim, it is a fact that I have received the rights of the EuGH.