
Champions League – Zagreb will be next to Klatsche gegen Bayern vom Trainer – Sport

Champions League – Zagreb will be next to Klatsche gegen Bayern vom Trainer – Sport

Zagreb (dpa) – The 2:9-Klatsche von Dinamo Zagreb for FC Bayern Munich with the Champions League title for the personal Konsequenzen for the Croatian Traditionsclub. The 25-time Landesmeister-trennte himself of Trainer Sergej Jakirovic. Offiziell war von een invernehmlichen Vertragsauflösung die Rede. The 47-year-old Fußball-Trainer has won the Mannschaft for years in the summer and won with the Team das Double in Croatia.

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“The most important thing is in sollchen situations, because we are human beings and who are interested in Dinamo in the development environment,” says club chairman Velimir Zajec: “It is a matter of all of us, in this present moment for Dinamo a good interaction with a new trainer. meet and we will take care of the Siegerstraße.” Interimsweise soll that Mannschaft von Co-Trainer Sandro Perkovic übernommen were.

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