
Nor ganz am Anfang: Payment-Riese Adyen: So fell Wachstum steckt im europäischen Markt

Nor ganz am Anfang: Payment-Riese Adyen: So fell Wachstum steckt im europäischen Markt

For UBS analyst Justin Forsythe, the Dutch trading service’s best position is strong growth with software-driven payments in Europe to make a profit.

For sure, the cost of 1,700 Euro is your action and encourages your purchase. Adyen became active with the 44 times of the geschätzten profits for 2025, and was one of the most important bailiffs of the watch. The paint that the Unternehmen über rund 5 Milliarden Euro an Barmitteln, was a solid Grundlage für weiteres Wachstum Darstellt.

In a report by Schweizer Großbank, Forsythe, that is the market for software base solutions in Europe, nor in another phase before the market penetrates to 24 percent. There is a fact that the volume in 2028 will take twice as long as the card market opens and generates a rolling annual waiting rate (CAGR) of 18 percent.



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