
Microsoft Launched Zugriff on Windows Kernel After CrowdStrike Explosion

Microsoft Launched Zugriff on Windows Kernel After CrowdStrike Explosion

After the CrowdStrike Outage
Microsoft builds Windows Kernel to

Providers of the subject

With a debt to CrowdStrike-Ausfall there is a message from Microsoft, the third provider in the EU Zugriff on the Windows-Kernel has received its own software implementation. That should change now!

Microsoft will use the Windows kernel, a problem with the Crowdstrike outbreak in Zukunft to be able to buy. Die Folge: Drittanbieter sollen weniger Zugriffsmöglichkeiten erhalten.(Bild: rdomino -
Microsoft will use the Windows kernel, a problem with the Crowdstrike outbreak in Zukunft to be able to buy. Die Folge: Drittanbieter sollen weniger Zugriffsmöglichkeiten erhalten.

(Image: rdomino –

Microsoft has the expertisethe Drittanbieter in Zukunft no longer in the Ausmaß auf the Windows-Kernel zugreifen, who is the autumn war. While this Zugriff brought a single coin a fehlerhaftes Update from CrowdStrike Millionen from Computer to Absturz. Das soll in Zukunft nicht mehr möglich sein.

Cybercriminal utility domains, which used to be the focus of some of the most high-profile CrowdStrike Update verification of IT attacks, have disappeared. (Photo: Dall-E / KI-generiert)

Microsoft is reaching out to CrowdStrike and other partners who achieve Endpoint Security status. The goal is to provide measures to improve resilience and the protection of critical infrastructures of shared customers. One of the most important resources that appeared on the CrowdStrike outage in July 2024 is the knowledge of the Security and Safe Preparation of Systems dear. Diskettes were developed to create a resilient gestalt system and connect to the inside of partner systems.

If you want to get Microsoft in touch with the Regie-Vertretern, one of the transparency you need to do business and arrange, then the technology is as safe as this. Das Summit is one of the most important things that with the gemeinsamen Ziel the Sicherheitslage verbessern.

Crowdstrike makes a light guide for notes, a problem that occurs and the outcome of the search for problems. The Schritte must be processed properly and executed manually. (©AddMeshCube –

Using programs in the Windows kernel

Microsoft has created a new version of the Windows kernel with the CrowdStrike fall: “This (CrowdStrike) Fall said in detail, the Windows versions and innovations in the end-to-end resistance priority have ended muss”, so John Cable, Vice President Program Management for Windows Servicing and Delivery, in a blog titled “Windows Resiliency: Best Practices and the Path Forward”. Kabel offers a new partnership with Microsoft and its partner, “the Security of the Windows system systems falls under the Herzen liegt”, one of the Security you say.
