
Literature, music and music in Samareiner Mostspitz

Literature, music and music in Samareiner Mostspitz

ST. MARIEN’S CHURCH. Under the motto “Literatur trifft Wein und Musik” the Library of St. Marienkirchen am Freitag will open on October 4 at 7 p.m. in the Mostspitz. Katharina Hettegger lies in her Kurzroman “Edda erzählt”.

Katharina Hettegger is located in Mostspitz. (Photo: Hettegger)

Katharina Hettegger is located in Mostspitz. (Photo: Hettegger)

There is a music production with Johann Hummer and music by Anna Scharinger who makes Bettina Wahlmüller boats. Cards give a euro in the books that cost a euro in the Abendkasse.