
CA Immo started Bau des Anna-Lindh-Haus in Berlin

CA Immo started Bau des Anna-Lindh-Haus in Berlin

Great fans in Berlin of the beautiful Baustart for the Anna-Lindh-Haus-statt, a new Leuchtturm project by CA Immo in the Europacity. One of the representatives of the Federal Minister for Housing, City Tentwicklung and Bauwesen, Klara Geywitz, will carry out the project development for a future city tentwicklung review.


“The Anna-Lindh-Haus is a newer Schritt in the environmental development of Berlin’s urban development. Mittels innovative building requirements, nachhaltiger Baustoffe and der intensive nutzung erneuerbarer energies that can be purchased, our city to settle, if they become the climate protection and the menschenglaichermaßen court, the minister acknowledged in his festrede.

“The quality of life in terms of comfort, comfort and well-being of the business environment. It is not the case that this office in Prime-Qualität in Top-Lagen could continue to operate for a long time. The Anna-Lindh-Haus has made all offers and a single takeover – a single standort, the best thing to do: in our Berlin direct at the Hauptbahnhof,” said Keegan Viscius, CEO of CA Immo, in the explanation.

Bird’s eye view of the Anna-Lindh-Haus am Berliner Europaplatz. © CA Immo

The Anna-Lindh-Haus, the center of the Hauptstadt directly on the Europaplatz, would be the first building of Europacity in the innovative Holzhybridbauweise realization. This Bauweise combination of the previous years of Holz and Beton was a significant reduction of CO2 emissions. With an area of ​​15,000 m², your office space can be as high as the quality of the offer, the efficiency and the flexibility of the court. The fertigstellung des gebäudes is finished before the end of 2026.

The start of the Baustart symbolically runs on the Europaplatz at 15 meters height of the summer. The Baum is a sin for the sustainable wood hybrid construction of the Anna Lindh Houses and not focused on the ecologic Ausrichtung of the Projects.

The Anna-Lindh-Haus is one of the most permanent building sites in Berlin. As one of the first city centers in the capital, the electric and CO2-neutral operation of the heat pumps becomes completely electric and CO2-neutral. Here, one of the installed photovoltaic systems comes to 30% of the electricity for its production. There is an energy source of 50 kWh per square meter in the Anna-Lindh-Haus rd. 70% below the GEG reference building.

A wasp nest role in the installation of the implemented environmental concepts was played by the Consulting Company Buro Happold, with the role of the “Environmental Guardian”, the installation of the climate soul in all project phases of recovery.

“The Anna Lindh House is designed in such a way that the dynamic bed is furnished with a more modern architecture with a wider mirror. With an active and extremely flexible workspace, it is an inspiring atmosphere in which creativity, co-creation and knowledge can be shared,” says Lise Gandrup Jørgensen, partner and CEO of Dorte Mandrup Architects. “To create a building that makes a contribution to the surrounding cityscape is important. The crystalline facade seduces the Europaplatz into a sculptural quality that lightens the appearance of a visual representation of the interior space and creates an attack and a charged movement towards the Berliner Hauptbahnhof.

The Anna-Lindh-Haus is located on one of the prominent streets in Berlin – directly on the Europaplatz, in the undivided Nähe zum Hauptbahnhof, zur Spree and zum Regierungsviertel. “With signal channels, low and heavy traffic connections and the most important transport links, the Anna-Lindh-Haus die Europacity weiterbeleben and zur attractive dieses aufstrebenden Stadtteils beitragen“, so Viscius. “It has been based since 11. On a location for its own file and on a number of strong features of the Berliner Büromarkt and special zur Europacity, which in recent years has become one of the credible Bürostandorte der Hauptstadt establishments.”