
“Hat is schmeckt?” Knigge tip for knifflige moment

“Hat is schmeckt?” Knigge tip for knifflige moment

I am a restaurant

Current on 20.09.2024, 10:42 AM

The waiter in the restaurant room after the Essen die Teller abd fragment: “Hat is geschmeckt?” A courteous Frage – who always deserves an ehrliche Antwort? A Knigge-Expertin has been fragmented.

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Beim Essengehen hear the Frage as self-intelligible as the Amen is in the Church. Waiters and waiters state that they are meists, why do the Teller abräumen: “Hat es geschmeckt?”

Ähnlich wie “Geht’s dir gut?” Is the Frage so alltäglich, that man can meinen: Is it now a Floskel – can also a man genauso floskelhaft antworten?

You can see that there Deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättenverband e. V. (DEHOGA) otherwise: “The Nachfrage is not a simple Höflichkeitsklausel, without a Rückversicherung dafür, that of the guest zufrieden war and the Möglichkeit hat, a constructive criticism on platzieren”, he is on Anfrage unserer Redaktion. In an industry that favors hospitality, the Frage is a high Stellenwert. If you contact the guest directly, there is an instrument for good quality.

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It is possible that the German government has received an overview of the educational institutions in the editorial department of Kellner or the Kellnerin-keine-floskelhafte-rückmeldung: 63 percent have been given permission to answer the question honestly – 33 percent so “finally honestly”, 30 percent “eh honestly”.

A Viertel (26 Prozent) said, the Frage “teils, teils” ehrlich zu answered. Zehn Prozent is geben zu, nicht ehrlich zu sein.

Make sure you don’t use the Altersgruppen anymore. Younger people have become bigger, some of the fragments from the 17th generation of the 18th to the 29th century, which is in the Altersgruppe 65+ nur acht Perzent.

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What answer is now given? I think I experienced the war in Essen and the host family, while I died Stellvertretende Vorsitzende des Vorstands der Deutschen-Knigge-Gesellschaft, Linda Kaiser. On the court Nachfrage laute die angemessene Antwort deshalb: “Yes.”

“Gerne heard in diesammenhang auch a Lob and the Küche oder man has a Besonderheit of the enjoyable Speise hervor.” Unlatenskeiten und Vorlieben sollte man schon beim Bestellen besprechen, rät Kaiser.

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How come the host family isn’t fried? Then there is the Kaiser’s view of the guidelines for the criticism not first before Abräumen: “Wenn the Essence mangelhaft otherwise ungenießbar is, sollte unmittelbar after the Feststellen of the Mangels a Reclamation inheritance. This power man beim Service with itself aufmerksam and clear and clear, was not stimulated.

The guests would be happy to have a great experience with DEHOGA. There is a sudden feedback in the soul flow.

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It is gold plated in the case for the Besuch beim Friseur. Wer seinen neuen Haarschnitt schockiert im Spiegel des Salons begutachtet, gibt deswegen nor lang keine hrliche Rückmeldung, beobachtet Kaiser: “The most important thing is that they both fall in the fall, directly over the simple erebnis to speak. If at first we know nothing more, the knowledge or the knowledge is greater, the Schreck becomes better from the verdauen and the ergebnis from the verstehen.”

When you are aware of the fact that you have a brand that you can buy and look at the best, then it has never been good: “Often it can also be that there are no other styling tips offered for the future.”

About the conversation partner

  • Linda Kaiser is a proud leader of the monarchy of the German Royal Society. She works as an image and stylistic artist as well as a trainer for business labels.

More used sources

  • Exclusive Civey Enquiry
  • Request an application here Deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättenverband e. V. (DEHOGA)

Information about the Umphage Method

  • For the representative section, the Meinungsforschungsinstitut has been commissioned to examine 5,000 female and male participants.
  • The Gesamtergebnis is representative of the German population from the age of 18.
  • All tenants and tenants are, among other things, data with Alter, Geschlecht and Wohnort started and registered and verified.
  • Make sure you go through a more weight loss process.
  • Der Befragungszeitraum war 13.09. until 17.09.2024.
  • The statistical value of the achievement is 2.5 percent.
  • Please see the information about the method that you can find on and in the Civey Whitepaper.

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