
WIFI Manufacturer: A Competence Center for the Future

WIFI Manufacturer: A Competence Center for the Future

The WIFI manufacturer is a specialized company, supporting fashion and clothing technology, sports technology and other advanced mechatronics.

TIROL. The manufacturer of WIFI on the Campus of WIFI Tirol has a strong position in the American and Weiter-bildung and has the Innovationsgeist of the Tyrolean Wirtschaft. Also an excellent handicraft center is connected to the modern technology of the manufacture with traditional handicraft techniques and offers an unparalleled image.

“With the WIFI manufacturer, a new maßstäbe is set in the professional qualification. A new study has been done on new insights into theoretical knowledge and practical matters – so that the best way can be seen. So that is what the economic position of Tyrol requires. The highly modern Ausstattung, the community with the world developed by the Fachorganisationen, ermöglicht is a, learning a practical Ausbildung of beets, the demands of the modern working world legal world. While the soul specialization of berufe with fashion and coating technology, sports equipment technology and automotive mechanics states that we are absolutely not at the best of our ability, without having to worry about the expertise on the labor market.”

erklärt Barbara Thaler, Chairman of the Tiroler Wirtschaftskammer.

Innovative and industry-oriented

One of the WIFI manufacturer’s best marks is its innovative combination of methods with industry-oriented, practical lessons. This is where craftsmanship and modern technologies merge, creating an educational challenge for professionals. Martha Schultz, Vizepräsidentin der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, concrete de Bedeutung des Handwerks über Österreichs Grenzen said: ‘The dual representation is a slow enterprise in the economy, which will become a well-defined world. Craftsmanship is the backbone of the European economy, especially in regional regions. You buy work places and provide economic stability. With the WIFI manufacturer you invest in the highest qualification quality, which will expand the regional economy and its sustainable development benefits. Financing the craft is an investment in the stability and the well-being in our region.“

In the sporting goods trade, the WIFI manufacturer is being shunned for automatic display. | Photo: WK Tirol/ Die Fotografen

Aus der Praxis für die Praxis

These creative projects are handcrafted with modern technology and interdisciplinary learning at a high level. “The use of the country design and coating technology, the country design mechanism and the country system of the sports equipment handler provides a learning environment, in the mountain range industry that became profitable. If you are the Lehrberuf Fahrrad- und Nahmaschinenmechaniker, nun can die inhalte wieder gemeinsam vermittelt”erklärt Brigitte Alber, Innungsmeisterin der Fashion- en Bekleidungstechnik and major initiator of the WIFI manufacturer. “This synergy offers a new perspective on the master and learning outcomes and the tragedy of the standard edition of its quality and relevance.”

With the rise of e-bikes in recent years, WIFI manufacturing offers a state-of-the-art display that is so good for power output as well as for power strength that these have more qualified options, attractive possibilities | Photo: WK Tirol/ Die Fotografen

Practical and innovative

One of the most recommended devices of the WIFI manufacturer is the Fahrrad-mechatronics. The perspective of the e-bike boom in recent years offers a modern production industry, which can provide both for the business effort and for the capital growth that there are more qualified possibilities, attractive perspective. Werner Klingler, Innungsmeister der Tiroler Mechatronics, betont: “The Ausbildung zum Fahrrad-mechatroniker is unique in Austria and is therefore independent of the new state of technology and the maintenance is a dynamic market since.” Also in the Sporting Goods Dealer you will find the WIFI Manufaktur Maßstäbe. Katrin Brugger, Grelialobmann-Stv. des Sportartikelenhandels, and Patrick Unterberger, Ausschussmitglied des Sportartikelenhandels, have reformed the innovative Ausbildungswege: „With the fachausbildungen zur Sportgerätefachkraft, Ski- und Bindungstechnik as well as Skischuhfitting purchase wir new Standards im Sportfachhandel. The practical application is light from the Absolvents, your Wissen focuses on the Betrieben-anzuwenden and the high Anforderungen der Kundschaft-recht that you will become.”

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