
General roads Landesförderungen für JUFA

General roads Landesförderungen für JUFA


At the end of November the JUFA Hotel in Bleiburg closes. It is a hut mountain and a hotel in the high mountains of this house, the indoor hotel group now a year in Carinthia. If the Grund had a financing problem, it would not be that the COFAG support would go to work. The hotels also received state support in Millionenhöhe.

The Geschäftsführung says that the JUFA Group has earned 14.5 million euros in the Coronavirus pandemic with aid money as the competition. Vom Land was in the summer of 2008 and 2013 in the summer of 16.3 million euros in the JUFA-Häuser Hüttenberg, Hochrindl and Bleiburg flossen. Dazu comes another 2.25 million for the Ballspielhalle JUFA-Arena in Bleiburg. One of the projects that is being carried out is the offer on Schnitt on 75 Perzent.

People want to give the country a helping hand and use the argument of the land government. The next war is a critique of the land rechnungshofes. So if you get a huge Arbeitsplatz with 943,000 Euro in Hüttenberg, it is included in the message.

Kaiser: Hallenschließung in Bleiburg prevented

The Schließung der Anlage in Bleiburg takes care of everything in the Sportkreisen für Kopfzerbrechen. The JUFA Arena is a home of the Volleyball Clubs Aich/Dob zum others as well as Training Hall for many other Vereine and Nachwuchssportler. Since he has gone through the launch of the Gespräche with the JUFA-Geschäftsführung, a Schließung der Ballspielhalle with verhindern, he is one of the Büro von Sportreferent und Landeshauptmann Peter Kaiser (SPÖ).

Aus für Musikakademie weg fehlender Quartiere

In the Gemeinde Hüttenberg, the Schließung des JUFA-Gästehauses jetzt: Mit Jahresende schließt auch the Musikakademie in Knappenberg, weil es after the Schließung of the Hotels in the surrounding area small overnight staysmöglichkeiten more gibt. JUFA concerns in Carnten nor weitere Hotels, one in Weißbriach, the 2016 opened and the Gästehaus im Stift Gurk. While the JUFA-Gruppe is now Pächterin and Betreiberin, says Stiftspfarrer Gerhard Kalidz. There is a product with the JUFA, the bet on a 40-year warranty.

Team Carinthia for Political Successful Aufarbeitung

Team Carinthia boss Gerhard Köfer rejects a “nearly astronomical sum of support of more than 16 Mio. Euro” and earn money with a landtag request. It will happen that all harmful consequences of the damage will be suffered.