
Again Raab nor ARD: The best show of the beautiful end of the CSU

Again Raab nor ARD: The best show of the beautiful end of the CSU

My favorite thing this week? It’s not ARD, it’s not ZDF. Not even RTL. My absolute favorite thing has three different bookmarks. A “C.” An “S.” A “U.”

This fernsehsender CSU has provided his services to four programs. Diese 16 Minuten aber haben alles geboten, was Fernsehen buy kann: Spiel, Spaß, Spannung. And it was zum Wundern.

Where: The Western

Afternoon in Berlin! Pünktlich zur Mittagszeit öffnet sich die Tür in der bayerischen Landesvertretung in Berlin. Heraus tritt: Markus Söder, Prime Minister of the Bayerischen, geschmückt with a Bart with Buffalo Bill and beim gehen etwas steif in der Hüfte, as it is after the long journey from Munich in the Hauptstadt gerade nor his Pferd on the Platz der Republik festgebanden.

I follow the hand: Friedrich Merz, at 1.98 meters nor four centimeters taller. Dueling of the two Band Fuehrers, of the independent Chiefs of the CDU and CSU – will it be faster?

Markus saw the Kürzeren and said that he was “fein”, when Friedrich Merz was the Spitzencandidates of the Union for the Bundestagswahl organization. Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja: “Guten Tag auch zu Hause an den Bildschirmen”, explains Markus Söder, “die K-Frage ischieden. Friedrich Merz power.”

Abspann. The Cowboy comes from Pferd and repeats the south. Die untergehende Sonne taucht ihn in milds Abendlicht. A seiner Seite no longer repeats as the new Einsamkeit of the great Mannes.

Soder: der Science-Fiction-Film

The Zeitmaschine is one of the credible films in cinema history, one of the 400 Streifen, damn it – and not as cheerful as Bully Herbig’s “(T)Raumschiff Surprise” from 2004.

CSU’s Zeitmaschine, which follows the film during the 2024 science fiction film ‘Traumkanzler Merz’, is the most exciting. Gerade is traveled by the CSU Landtagsabgeordneten zur Klausur ins Kloster Banz in Franconia.

Here if it belongs to Hendrik Wüst, there is no kanzlercandidate for the Verfügung stehen and for the strong Landesverband company, Friedrich Merz in the Kandidatur for his unterstützen. Damit is the Entscheidung für diesen Kandidaten öffentlich vorweggenommen.

“This term is not spontaneous”

CSU faction broadcaster Klaus Holetschek telephoned Söder, then responded with a schmallippig and now said: “I think the Stelle has been exceeded.” Tatsächlich aber hat Markus Söder in Hightech-Standort Bayern offensichtlich longst de Zeitmaschine als Dienstfahrzeug etabliert.

If all goes well, it will be the press conference in Berlin in front of the room and microphone with the Worten: “Dieser Termin is not spontaneous. Er is een langer vorbereitet.”

Friedrich Merz joins in after a few minutes of später: Man has still said, “im Spätsommer” an Entscheidung präsentieren wollen.

“We are always aware that this is the responsibility of both our persons. The Union is the largest part of the democratic center of the party.” The reibt of the Union is the month of August: Now that the Zeitmaschine can start with its conscious behavior, was its hat behind it. Or else.

Where: the love movie

Markus Söder has a divorce war and a battle behind him. If there was ever a press conference, it was about the appointment of the CDU candidate Armin Laschet – and I ended up getting into trouble so often.

While Zweifamlienheim joined the CDU and CSU in the Regie-war zum Teufel, in the Scheidungsstreit an Olaf Scholz and his Ampel-Irrlichter, who transformed them into a Lightshow, surprised Germany, but the Augen-reibt.

The separation between the CSU and the CDU is history. Now is a bigger, bigger whole. Who said Markus Söder in the press conference – and his klingt nach preachen and the Bund fürs Leben:

“It could be a bit of a no-go for the hot Tag anymore. We will spend a long time in good faith over our country.”

Markus Söder bleibt der Mann für die hearteren Tone

Both participate, so it is not possible to see the center of the family – and: of the Union. There can be no talk of an attack by the CSU vice-president. “Was it different than 2021?”, fragment. And the answer is the same: “Value assessment!”

Spätesten and die Stelle has the CSU in its landesvertretung a Streichorchester sollen. Make sure that you can use the Liebeshochzeit to let the room of the least wanted work.

Aber sei gewarnt, Restdeutschland: Markus Soder bleibt der Mann für die härteren Tone. A Heavy Metal Musical experience is possible. Who says he is Schluss: “We rock that!”