
Construction work for 346 homes started

Construction work for 346 homes started

to shimmer

Beim Bahnhof Schlieren and yet still fast 350 Living places: Spentstich für Lymhof ist followed

Der official Baustart für den Lymhof lockedte Jung en Alt an. After the fröhlichen Fest, the Rietpark will now last a year.

They are packed with: Stadtrat Stefano Kunz, Geistlich-Immobilia-Chef Martin Geistlich and Stadtpräsident Markus Bärtschiger symbolically start the construction work for the über 300 Lymhof-Wohnungen north of the Bahnhofs Schlieren.

Photo: zvg/Dominique Meienberg (20.9.2024)

A construction site is the area in the north of the Bahnhofs Schlieren, although other local racket sports centres Vitis are closed in the winter. The work for the own development, which takes place here, starts from the first moment.

I am the owner of city president Markus Bärtschiger (SP) and of the city street Pascal Leuchtmann (SP) and Stefano Kunz (Mitte) and am Freitagabend of the Spatenstich for the Neubauprojekt Lymhof of Geistlich Immobilia AG statt. Deren Eigentümer und Geschäftsführer Martin Geistlich empfing in Rahmen unterMusikundermalten Quartierfests zum offizieellen Baustart. The new construction consists of 346 living quarters, a hotel, a bistro, a hall with also studios and workshops as well as a children’s room.

“We were allowed to have a prayer for the Quartier and for the Schlieren leisten with the Lymhof,” said Geistlich in the blessing speech. «I have my own buntes, beebtes Stück Quartier vor. If you want to buy an urban city, you want to bypass Ableger von Zürich, a district nearby, the old bedsteads and the Schlieren, then say Ladina Esslinger, Leiterin Entwicklung at the Geistlich Immobilia AG.

The projects of the Schlieremer Bahnhof are new, barrier-free, the best living environment in the Wiesenstrasse and the Gleisen that are going to work directly in the North of the city. The city paid 630,000 francs and cost 1.6 million francs. The rest will go to Geistlich Immobilia AG.

So the Lymhof in the Norden des Bahnhofs Schlieren dereinst aussehen.

So the Lymhof in the Norden des Bahnhofs Schlieren dereinst aussehen.

Display: zvg

The new apartments of the Lymhofs will be ready for occupancy in Spring 2027. The city is located in the Rietparkkwartier, on the Lymhof, where 3000 people live and 2000 people will be.

Der Lymhof is the place in the inner hall of the Entwicklung des Geistlich-Areals in the north of the Bahnhofs Schlieren. The first Living Room of the Quartiers, created Magnolia, was opened in 2016. The very last stage with the 48 meter height Labor-Turm Wabi-Cha in Osten des planted Lymhofs soll 2027 fullendet signal.

During the Baustart party, the power will have a positive positive influence on the run: The Buvette in the park lasts long, no matter how long it lasts. The meeting point in the Rietparken would get a new kind of financing. Under the leadership of the Rietparkanwohners, Saurabh Singh has the Abatt GmbH the Buvette that gives spices with his life. Zuletzt was die Buvette seit Mai geschlossen. (liz)