
“Ein Mond in deinen Mokassins”: Buch thematisiert Probleme der Jugendlichen

“Ein Mond in deinen Mokassins”: Buch thematisiert Probleme der Jugendlichen

21.09.24 – Mobbing, Ausgrenzung, mangelndes Selbstbewusstsein and der Druck, dem Jugendliche ausgesetzt since – that since Themen, with the men’s leaders it was possible. Marina Lauer from the Gemeinde Hofbieber works as a teacher at a newer school in Fulda. You can find in your book “Ein Mond in deinen Mokassins” theme. “I’m happy, that’s what I’m going to do in my life. Because of the policy, I’m happy that it’s going to be done, it’s worth it. That’s because of the news,” so I’m proud of my book.

This Gesellschaftsroman takes a look at the quality criteria and war against legislation by Thalia and Storylution. “I wish I could have done this, and that I did not write. Let me write with my own ideas and I would not write well. That is the year that I am now linked to the law and the structure of the festival, that is the year 35 years ago. . That was my last chance,” said Autorin.

“Aber mir war es wichtig, meinen Gedanken eine Stimme zu verleihen”

To the end of the legal battle, Lauer said: “There are many people and people who have the power to play or play online. Man could be in the other world of work. Wir haben Stories written and is about small challenges, and a man can tell more.” And you say: “If I act in the last time, the war is not so einfach für mich. I have also written more than, if my baby has slept in the tragedy.”

The finalists were nominated in October and the prize award was announced. “3,700 books have been received, which have been addressed. I have not received any chance yet. A lot of money has been received, my Gedanken in een Geschichte would be packed. Three deliveries were prepared in a few days at the Flagship-Store in Hamburg.” Zum Titel erklärte Lauer: “Der Titel is een zitat aus dem Buch. Es is een Sprichwort der Indianer. Er is basiert darauf, dass man een Mond (einen Monat) in de Schuhen eines elde laufen sein muss, um über das Leben och erteilen zu Können.

Lehrerin and Autorin Marina Lauer.

“Jeder sollte die Chance haben, die Person zu sein, die wil sein”

“In the book there is a theme, the youth that moves in guilt: Mobbing, Ausgrenzung, soziale Medien, fehlendes Selbstbewusstsein en der Druck, dem si ausgesetzt sind”, so the Autorin über den Inhalt. See also: “Beleuchtet wird die Thematik durch zwei Charaktere, in unterschiedlichen Zeitlinien. On the first page, Rieke has a year ago 2004 and on the other side from 2019. On the other side, it is Maya, since 2019.”

As interesting as the content sounds, my meaning is so clear: “My relationship is the same, that is the chance that you have, the person who wants to be there.” Zusätzlich concretet sie: “Mobbing begegnet einem immer wieder. Auch soziale Medien has a great Einfluss on our Youth. Not immer zu ihrem Vorteil. Mir ist wichtig, dass sowohl jugendliche as auch Eltern and Lehrer für diese Thematik sensibilisiert became and nicht de Augen then we saw everything, it was different, we would be an irgendwann-holen.”

“I will be happy with my life, so I will be happy with my youth, I will be …

“If you are a child, you must accept it yourself”

The theme originates from the background of the surrounding environment, especially from Marina Lauer herself: “I am so happy with my children as well as learning experiences with the themes. If you are interested in many children, you will also be able to accept them.” If the pressure spreads, it may not be that there are other things that arise on their own, but it may also be that it is a problem.” Concrete is the next problem: “If you want to have a child and a youth, you will have a chance, but that is also the case.”

Anyone who has now received the Gesellschaftsroman with own final words by Marina Lauer will be assured that a Sache is clear. If the book has a theme, the man is not seduced or ignored. Activity with others, with interest and feedback, sollte herebei im Fokus stehen. So said to Lauer: “I have a good life, that is what it was, was a good thing.” (Mia Schmitt) +++