
Sendung – Quarks im Ersten am Sa., 21.09.2024

Sendung – Quarks im Ersten am Sa., 21.09.2024

“Quarks” are characterized by 20 absolute themes of dairy and dairy products. The Wissenschaftsformat is focused on social media with Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, with audio podcasts, text messages on and in a million publications. Was I clicked, seen and read?

“Quarks” are characterized by 20 absolute themes of dairy and dairy products. The Wissenschaftsformat is focused on social media with Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, with audio podcasts, text messages on and in a million publications. Was I clicked, seen and read?

The dramatic events in the summer: If there are no spectacular images of Blitzen and Wassermassen, there are mountains on the other side of the road. “Quarks” are there, who gets the white background and who is the best.
Ernährung: Facts statt Mythen! View Fleisch- or Milchalternativen, Food-Trends or Diäten – “Quarks” like to find individual facts in the hitzig geführten Ernährungsdebatten. Often clicked on Instagram: “Superfoods” such as Goji-Beeren, Acai-Pulver or Chia-Samen are often not great. Es gibt überraschend bessere Alternatives.

Vulkane – unbändige Giants of Nature: With fast two millions of results, these are the themes of the Highlights on the “Quarks” YouTube channel. Who welds themselves Ausbrüche, who of the young Stromboli in Italy, praises you for hersage and what erstaunliche Rolle games Tiere dabei?

Start from the outskirts of Florence on a journey through these and other fascinating themes.