
Deutsche Free-TV premiere of “Seconds – In den Trümmern der Katastrofe” in NDR

Deutsche Free-TV premiere of “Seconds – In den Trümmern der Katastrofe” in NDR

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Deutsche Free-TV premiere of “Seconds – In den Trümmern der Katastrofe” in NDR
Series poster of “Seconden – In the Trummern of Catastrophe” © NDR

Beim Norddeutschen Rundfunk presents the German Free TV premiere of the Finnish drama series “Seconds – In den Trümmern der Katastrofe”. I am a middle punk who is a conquered Zugunglück.

On Saturday, September 21 at 23:15 the series Seconds – In the episode of the catastrophe in the premiere of free TV in NDR starts, from September 7 it can stream in the media library. Sechs Folgen is produced.

Marita Kaila (Leena Pöysti) from the Finnish drama series is the leader of an emergency response team, alongside Daniel (Mikko Kauppila). When a mistake at a shunting station causes a mysterious explosion that costs 60 people, the team sets out with his team on the trail of the catastrophe.

A big pressure that took the team out was a hint of Unluckiness: war is a human or technical failure? Or should you keep an eye on people so that they are re-energized? Was the opportunity thereafter revealed: Marita conceals a mysterious secret…