
Wettersturz with Folgen: Wanderherbst starts with Schnee

Wettersturz with Folgen: Wanderherbst starts with Schnee

When the thermometer has reached the 20th degree market – on the mountain after the intensive Schneefällen of the declines, there will be a holiday in Frühwinter.

Daniel Peyerl from the Reichenhaller Haus in the Chiemgau Alps must enjoy the week on the three meters of snow of the Terrasse Schaufeln. Seine Hütte is located at 1750 meters on the summit of the Hochstaufen. “If the roof has not yet fallen, it is not even a runtergekommen. Directly in front of the hut is an avalanche slope, it is not even not descended. Therefore it is relatively dangerous”, said Peyerl. If the moment is that there is one thing that I do, the hut will but still open until the middle of October.

Schnee up to 1,500 meters: In the higher Lagen, hiking is tricky

In the Hochlagen in the Berchtesgaden Alps, the Messstationen der Lawinenwarnzentrale at 1,700 meters is longer than half a meter of Schnee. Peyerls Kollegen in the Berchtesgaden Alps have built their huts into large sizes.

There is no change of law possible in the derzeitige treatises of a gefahren, before all people make a choice for an unpassionate hiker, many roads are not active. The DAV section Berchtesgaden has appeared on the website (external link), but the road to everyone with Schneebruch became more difficult.

Thomas Feistl from Lawinenwarndienst Bavaria warned for further avalanches: “With the caution, it is possible to avoid avalanches, including Lockerschneelawinen. In high layers, these avalanches on Wanderwege can be hit.” Deshalb is a Wanderer, who no longer comes to the Schnee, zur Umkehr. Neither is there any time, you can plan your tour, both of you are below 1500 meters above sea level.

Important: Inform and plan your travels

Also in the other regions of Bavaria they lie at the same time they fell. Jeremias Linke from the Alpinschule Oberstdorf has to plan a Mehrtages tour in the Ammergau Alps. It is not possible to plan the route to August-Schuster-Haus am Pürschling. If the group has found another way, the Winter Restoration can be ordered: “Für den Zustieg zur Kenzenhütte haben wir Schneeschuhe organisiert, damit die Gast nicht zu sehr einsinken. That man nach Bericht der Hütte bis hüfthoch Schnee.”

When the Bergführer or the Bergführer are on the move, it is the case that the Tour of Time goes beyond the intestinal information. Thomas Feistl of the Bavarian Law Warning Service: “If the webcams are in the low place, the homepages of the section of the Alpenvereins are looked up or are directly consulted by the huts. It is possible that a lot of information appears.”

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