
Papstes zur Kindergesundheit project started

Papstes zur Kindergesundheit project started

A good project of Pope Francis for Children’s Day has made his Arbeit development possible. “Children can no longer work. As children, a new world is born”, says the father in his free time, the world children’s day.

Weltweites Bündnis aus Krankenhausinrichtungen

“There is an unashamed childhood disease, there is no childhood disease,” Franziskus concretely told an audience of initiators and partners of the “Global Alliance for Children’s Health”. The international network for health care and humanitarian aid will provide one million children with welfare care over a number of years.

The bundling of the Krankenhause-inrichtingungen at the Ganzenwelt would be supported by the American-American gemeinnützige Organization “Patrons of the World’s Children Hospital”. I may be aware of the long-term supervision of the children’s clinic Bambino Gesu, Mariella Enoc, who Papst anvertraut.

Coordinating is the network of the Organisationskomitee des Weltkindertags under the leadership of Franziskanerfather Enzo Fortunato and Aldo Cagnoli. It was fortunate that in January the leadership of the Communication of the Petersdoms and the Organizer of the Weltkindertags was in the hands of the first year in Rome and in the statistics of the Vatican.

Not for children from Ukraine and Gaza

Spitzenkrankenhäuser auf der gezen Welt sollen sich der Initiative anschließen. As a first partner, we provide the Romantic “Krankenhaus des Papstes”, Bambino Gesu, have knowledge about the treatment, care and care of the technical aspects of the treatment of children.

If you are contacting another digital platform, the Teladoc Health telehealth system is connected. Involved in the Medical Center of Georgetown University in Washington, the organization “CUAMM – Africa for Africa” ​​and the Papal Institute for Foreign Missions PIME.

The President of the Patrons of the World’s Children Hospital, Fabrizio Arengi Bentiviglio, does not provide urgent medical care for children affected by natural disasters or war-affected children in Ukraine and Gaza Strip. “The leader is also a child, the tag Hilfe in Bereichen benötigen, über die kaum geprochen wird and for these small protective mechanisms gibt,” said Bentivoglio. “Das since die first Kinder, denen wir helfen wollen.”

The Children’s Hospital Bambino Gesu has four sittings. In Rom auf dem Gianicolo and beim Research Center with Treatment Areas at Sankt Paul vor den Mauern in the south of the Altstadt. Hinzu kommen two Zweigstellen am Meer unweit von Rom: one in Palidoro and one in Santa Marinella.