
RTL rejoices after Show Start: Stefan Raab focuses on streaming “all records”

RTL rejoices after Show Start: Stefan Raab focuses on streaming “all records”

Stefan Raab is rocking again, if he hasn't been away.
Stefan Raab is rocking again, if he hasn’t been away.

RTL / Raab Entertainment / Julia Feldhagen

Stefan Raab is zurück and elevates RTL in Streaming to no high flight. Der Kölner Sender applauds a «Ausnahmekünstler». Auch Raabs Ex-Sender ProSieben has started in the medium term.

No time? Blue News fast for these sisters

  • The new quiz show “You don’t win the Million with Stefan Raab” by the Kult-Entertainers will premiere on Wednesday, September 18, on RTL+.
  • After the start you will watch RTL for recordings.
  • Die Rede ist vom «best Neustart of all Times».

After a quick camera abstinence, Stefan Raab’s TV comeback quickly has the anmutung, as the lead Show Messiah homesick. The representation of the 57s is more than ever, it is one of the most regular results of the new Show Series that has never appeared in linear television, but is exclusive for more information via Streamingportal RTL+.

In Vorfeld Wurden Raabs Comeback-News, who after the Niederlage has received ex-box world master Regina Halmich, is discussed. While the retrospective on the “underworld dinosaurs” begins for “peinlich”, the final ruck the entertainer will become “ganz schön alt”, the comeback of others admire.

And then it was on Wednesday, September 18, soweit, the Entertainer ventures on Solo-Pfade. See the new quiz show called «You won’t win the Million with Stefan Raab here».

I’m going to the premiere on RTL+ and react to «DGHNDMBSR». «Who a big war is this bitte gerade? Stefan Raab is back in the city under the einfach noch drauf!», says X-User Milan.

Dagegen meint User Chris Ernst, Raab’s comeback has not happened: «Alte Witze und een Hauch von showtechnischer Restmüll-Deponie.» And further writing is: «Alte Witze and a Hauch from show technician Restmüll-Deponie.»

RTL: “Best Neustart of all Times on RTL+”

If you increase the cost of the VoD service by the prominent personal delivery, it seems for RTL service.

Who from the Cologne broadcaster, see the Premiere of “So winnst here not the Million with Stefan Raab” am Mittwochabend “the best Neustart of all Times on RTL+”.

Make sure that the show is provided “for the strongest subscription of an original format on Germany’s leading streaming service”. This is not the case: “The spectacle has already appeared, the worst Mal with RTL + on offer has been found.” So see 73 percent of new subscriptions and news stories sold. The handle of the support is “a reindeer, which has come back for Stefan Raab at RTL +”.

«TV total» vom Raab-Comeback (nor) unbeeindruckt

“It’s good to know that Stefan Raab is happy and present on the Deutschlands largest national streaming platform RTL+ all records,” read more about the program in which I am writing. Stefan Raab has “gained a much greater insight, that is an Ausnahmekünstler ist”.

Konkrete Abrufzahlen öffentlichte RTL to «So winnst here nicht die Million» with streaminginhalten üblich nicht. What you can do is the Zuschauerzahlen for Raabs Live Comeback on Samstag. At RTL-übertragen Boxkampf, Regina Halmich is in the Schnitt of the three inhalbstündigen Sendestrecke 5,9 Millionen Menschen. Der Marktanteil was at herausragenden 52.9 Prozent.

From the new Konkurrenz in the Mittwochabend a presentation is given about the “TV total” with Sebastian Pufpaff. Die Show, von Raab einst erfunden und nun in dessen direkter Konkurrenz laufend, bestätigte met 1.05 Millionen Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauern de Reichsweitenwert der Vorwoche. The quote may be correct, that Pufpaff spoke an ironic statement to Raab. After all, we know that there are plenty of great show-dues in German TV and some entertainment.

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So watch Stefan Raab on TV Comeback aus

Raab hatte am Samstagabend kurz for der Ankündigung zum driRITen Mal een Niederlage in Boxring against Regina Halmich cashiers.
