
EU Hersteller schlagen Alarm und Fordern Hilfe

EU Hersteller schlagen Alarm und Fordern Hilfe

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The E-Car Sales is one and the EU Floating Border Crossing is in Gefahr. The carmaker warns of production and working conditions, when no major problems will occur.

The E-Krise appears to be: At the beginning of the year, the sales in Germany are continuously sinking – in August there will be a number of facilities for the new electric cars at a fast pace of 70 years. This is the case on the European market: in August the Neuzulassungen of E-Autos in Vergleich zum Vorjahr from 165,204 to 92,627 Fahrzeuge – a Rückgang of an etwa 44 Prozent. Insgesamt went the Neuzulassungen aller Antriebsarten in the European Union at 18,3 Prozent zurück. The European Repair Association (ACEA) is calling for an alarm.

Autobauer roads E-Auto-Krise alarmiert: Sie fordern “urgent Hilfsmaßnahmen”

There ACEA bezeichnet the sinking electric car market as a “first management signal” for the industry and the political Entscheidungssträger. The association of the EU will ensure that “urgent improvements are made” before 2025 with new CO₂-Zile für Pkw und Transporter in Kraft Treten. The main problem of the E-Auto-Verkäufe: The car repairer risks putting a stop to the EU-Flottengrenzwerte nicht – was for the Hersteller zu Strafen in Milliardenhöhe führen könnte.

Production Skürzungen und Stellenabbau: Autobauer prophezeien düsteres Szenario

Smile ACEA berücksichtigen die current EU Regulations “not that significant changes in geopolitics and economic climate in the last years”. There is a zero-emission vehicle-stellt a great reformation, and “the concerns about the CO₂ emission reduction for horsepower and cars until 2025 nehmen zu”. Es mangele an Ladestations and Wasserstofftankstellen, een wetbewerbsfähigen Produktionsumfeld, erschwinglicher grüner Energie, Kauf- und Steueranreizen anyway a sicheren Versorgung mit Rhstoffen, Wasserstoff and Batterien. It is not possible to exclude the Akzeptanz der Verbraucher. All can buy products from the production and set shops in the automotive industry.

Elektroauto an der Ladestation
Das E-Auto steckt in der Krise: In Europe, the Absatzzahlen is eingebrochen – beyond the extremists in Germany. (Symbol image) © Westend61/Imago

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There ACEA concrete, it is now urgently necessary to, “make a serious case, an abnormal trend”, the legality of the EU industry that must take reorganizations and strategic decisions. Dahert of the association that founded the European Commission, among other things, died before 2026 and 2027 about the CO₂-regulatory scheme for lighter and more utility vehicles in 2025. The industry can no longer continue to work for so long.