
Qualcomm has conducted research into Intel › Dr. Windows

Qualcomm has conducted research into Intel › Dr. Windows

Qualcomm has conducted research into Intel › Dr. Windows

Intel is currently not the best sailors, society is strong. With a larger savings program that has made 15,000 construction companies and more than 10 million USD in investments during the month, the first part of the company for the Deutschland-Konkrete followed and the construction of the factory in Magdeburg has been one of the biggest years of change, even if it is not yet stattfindet. A new report from the Wall Street Journal, when the lectures on Apfeltalk got going, have not yet made a single drawing.

Ausgerechnet Qualcomm is now interested in one of the largest chip giants. Background because there are no patents and technical know-how available, but when you connect a classic PC market, a woman can get to know Windows on ARM herself if it is written first. A suspension of the cartel law value should amount to a revaluation on the market forces of a value of 90 million USD.

Exciting times await us. A hardware development from Intel by Qualcomm to continue the competition with AMD on a new level.

About the author

Kevin Kozuszek

Kevin Kozuszek

Since 1999 I have been closely associated with Microsoft and have found my digital homeland in this system. At Dr. Windows, all new developments on the market have stopped since November 2016, whereby Microsoft opens up open source projects and the platform with messages. Regular news to Mozilla and my digital home is no longer possible.