
Zurück in Zukunft: WILO opens the “Networking Cube” in Wilopark Dortmund

Zurück in Zukunft: WILO opens the “Networking Cube” in Wilopark Dortmund

Oliver Hermes, Vorstandsvorsitzender and CEO of the Wilo Gruppe (left), works together with the Networking Cube together with Thomas Westphal, Oberbürgermeister of the Stadt Dortmund, symbolic of Knopfdruck.
Oliver Hermes, Vorstandsvorsitzender and CEO of the Wilo Gruppe (left), works together with the Networking Cube together with Thomas Westphal, Oberbürgermeister of the Stadt Dortmund, symbolic of Knopfdruck. WILO BE

By Sandra Danneil

After the “Smart Factory” (since 2019) – the Production Complex of the Firmenzentrale –, the “Pioneer Cube” (since 2020) – an Art Zentrales Nervensystem von Wilo, in the unhoused Verwaltung –, anyway the “Innovation Cube” (Seit 2023) for Entwicklung and Research, go to the “Networking Cube” now. In a new Begegnungswürfel, the Wilo Company has carried out its offiziellen Eröffnungsfeier. On approximately 5,000 quadratmeters, the multinational technology company Wilo will be able to welcome guests from economics, politics, society, science and finance.

Who has a perfect representation: The Wilopark

Schon bei de Einfahrt in the Wilopark through the “Gläserne Tor” is a quick den Atem. The 18 large fields (that is 25 Fußballfelder) and the B54 works with a perfect representation, also a computer restored image: Here is the view taken of clear lines, symmetrical arranged structures and a 100 ton curves in the form of an ellipse in der Mitte, bei dem das Wasser hochzufließen shin, anstatt hinter.

Product description of the Networking Cube of 5000 m2.
Install a fast network cube in a 5,000 m² area. WILO BE

There is a frost period, there is an investment of 400 million euros for the standortentwicklung abroad. The press that has made this tag only Zutritt will have completed a further mile stone of the major construction projects.

The Networking Cube is one of the insgesamt of Herzkammern in the Wilopark and damn the first construction project of the Unternehmens. For the feierliche Eröffnung in the Donnerstagmittag it is not possible to use the Zufall-überlassen, if the joint Führungsstab is together with the Anführer, Dr. Jochen Opländer, die Ehre.

“Wie eine Umarmung”: Die Kraft der Netzwerke

The question was Networking with sustainability to you, the Vorstandsvorsitzender and CEO of the Wilo-Gruppe, Oliver Hermes, who was a guest in one of his most important Keynote. If you want this, you can use a 191 square meter larger network cube, which makes the choice: one of the 50 million pixels best LED wall.

Atrium with powerful LED wall and 50 million pixels
With a greater opening fee, Wilo has taken the new Networking Cube into operation. WILO BE

This looks like the Atrium in the history of the buildings of three days. “Wie eine Umarmung” is one of the most common, erklärt Hermes. Wilo is proud to take a close look at all 10,000 employees with his new Zukunftsraum.

“The Networking Cube is a space, with our partners, people and guests from the world of discussions and wisdom, networking and parties”, says the CEO and the following remark: “In a world full of losers, we will die here together. We firmly believe in the power of stronger networks.”

The higher, further, grüner – Von Waschkaue bis Vertical Garden

I work complex: it will give the best results and interactions with the Verfügung. If you see the “White Room” in the background, you can call a “white Blatt Papier” for all possible events, which will start one of the following events. The garden construction changes with the facade – a “Vertical Garden” south of the Networking Cube.

Vertical horticulture on the south side of the Networking Cube
The Südfassade des Gebäudes is constructed as a vertical Pflanzwand angle. WILO BE

Everywhere you see “Black Cubes” with a dumb servant. In those monolithic cubes on rollers you will find a unique stained drink, drinker or – in a larger version – wardrobe drawer. That other wardrobe is not black, but it is more nostalgic with a retrofuturistic price.

The light flute in the basement of the new Begegnungszentrums is symbolic and the Wurzeln der 1872 gründeten Wilo-Gruppe in it: Transparent Plexiglas-Behälter engravings the System of sogenannten Waschkaue in Bergwerken auf. Since guests were able to view their own images, these transparent boxes were reabsorbed by Display Steuerung von der Decke. “I was never able to experience it like that – that’s the end of it,” said fearless Professor Mehnert.

Achtsam mit Buzzwords: Grenzenlose Räume und Nachhaltigkeit

Zurück in the Umklammerung of three impressive LED Wände in the Atrium. The guests in the Wilo-Welt are treated with modern medical technology, in the sense that they are all thanked in the middle of the world. “Anstelle von Grenzen, haben wir Räume geschaffen”, philosophical Design Chef and former Folkwang-Rektor Prof. Kurt Mehnert, who was berufen in April 2023 in the Wilo-Aufsichtsrat.

The wardrobe in the basement of the building became a washing machine in the mining works and left the Wilo Group in 1872.
The wardrobe in the basement of the building became a washing machine in the mining works and left the Wilo Group in 1872. WILO BE

The geo-economic trend has made the concept of “Nachhaltigkeit” a buzzword for euphemistic disintermediation strategies and well-distributed sales over the years. Wilo will reject this as a multinational technology group.

The boundaries of these Räume mutmaßlich roads ihrem Three-Säulen-Fundament: “Creating, Caring, Connecting.” Although it is an English alliteration, the man itself appears to be completely different from German Übersetzung „Schaffen, Kümmern, Vernetzen“ entschieden.

Visionary Alliteration: “Create, Care, Connect”

Während die Gäste en Mitarbeiter: inn schon kräftig am Connecten, als Netzwerken sind, steht “Creating” for the “Schaffen” with a surpassing prestige project in Morocco, Egypt and China. “With our systems we create a sustainable, urban living space,” explains Oliver Hermes.

Der Health Cube (ru): The new Wilo-Gesundheitszentrum will be opened in 2026
Der Health Cube (ru): The new Wilo-Gesundheitszentrum soll 2025 confirmed signal WILO BE

Solche Lebensräume was born, zB in the adjacent cluster city Xiong’an of Beijing – one of the FAZ with the “Totenstille Planstadt” at Metropole, which can now function with pumps in the Ruhr area.

Im Sinne von Wilos Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie is de “Caring” nor more Zukunftsmusik. The appropriate ones for that Meilenstein-planted “Health Cube” will be offered in the years 2026 in the future. Anyone who changes the name sees in Wilos Letztes Einzelbupprojekt an ambitious health center that will make Wilo’s workers profitable.

OB Thomas Westphal wishes “Everything Good!”

“The Health Cube is for all people in Dortmund”, Hermes Stolz explains. “For a global management management with a vision of architecture in the middle point”. Globally seen at that time, the performance spectrum of everything that is needed – from preventive treatments to multimodal therapies. And all that is secured.

Der Health Cube (ru): The new Wilo-Gesundheitszentrum will be opened in 2026
The Health Cube is Wilo’s latest construction project. The Gesundheitszentrum for all purposes 2026 has been completed. WILO BE

Caring is not a ‘Nice-to-have’ factor. If you think you want to make money, there is a malicious Wilo CFO Hermes.

Dem encouraged OB Thomas Westphal zu. In seinem Grußwort concretet der ehemalige Wirtschaftsförderer veldsagend: „Willo ist von herausragender Bedeutung für Dortmund. If the Unternehmen do well, it is one of the city bellies. I wish both everything was good!”

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