
Video ticker: Geubbels schliesst een Konter eiskalt ab – St.Gallen doppelt gegen Lucerne nach

Video ticker: Geubbels schliesst een Konter eiskalt ab – St.Gallen doppelt gegen Lucerne nach


Kuriose Geschichte im Vorfeld der heutigen Partie in St. Gallen: A young Mann films the Trainingseinheit of the FCSG on the Donnerstag. There is no real fan, Sohn’s son from Mario Frick, the trainer of the best St.Gallen-Gegners.

Before the last years Yanik Frick played, nor in the match of FC St.Gallen. On Thursday, the 26-year-old is busy with the training sessions of the Espen season. The 30-fold National Games of Liechtenstein are no longer applicable, another friend will meet. Take a look at the FCSG-Training on film. «Versteckt behind a tooth», as the «Blick» writes.

Frick should have his son in commission to film the tactical exercises of the Eastern Swiss. The Frick junior can develop into “incomprehensible”, says the FCL coach. So it was a matter of business. “I have seen another opportunity person and a better training, an example of an image that I can use”, says Mario Frick. Do you want to outsource espionage for the FCL?