
Mord auf Waller Friedhof – Polizei bittet Bevölkerung um Hinweise

Mord auf Waller Friedhof – Polizei bittet Bevölkerung um Hinweise

In Bremen a Mann was shot at a cemetery during the Messerstiche. The Polizei were speaking and took the Hinweise from the population.

After the fund there are men in the city Bremer Stadtwalle who the police has deployed an anonymous athlete and has damaged the interests of Mithilfe. Who the Ermittler in the Samstag is, while he goes on the road, ends up at the Friedhof at another setzung, while a Messer eingesetzt wurde.

If the offer is processed, it is a 40 year old man, who is financed tomorrow until the next day. Zeugen has reported a broke person at the cemetery. Rescue forces can only set up death. Read more here.

The police planned to make an urgent selection after the washing, which was on the night of Donnerstag in the Jadestraße and the Waller Friedhof, was a real must.

The offering will take place around 8:30 PM in Jadestraße. Der Mann has a gray Cordhose, a red Jacke with blue Futter and black Latschen. Hinweise nimmt de Kriminaldauerdienst under telephone number 0421/362-3888 or anonymously about the Hinweisportal der Polizei entgegen.