
Lehre Salzburg: Vom Studenten zum Lehrling. And neither a “zurück”

Lehre Salzburg: Vom Studenten zum Lehrling. And neither a “zurück”

After 2 years of pandemic and isolated Online-Studium, the leading athlete Manuel Moser describes his Studium der Sportwissenschaften on Eis zu empty for the first time. There are cases of schwierigen and often stigmatization of the study, while Studium is abzubrechen. Der damals 26-Jährige next seinem Bauchgefühl und seiner Begeisterung für Holz en Handwerk – Er een Lehre started, at the Kunsttischlerei Lerchner in Pürstlmoos/Mariapfarr.

Lessach. Mariapfarr. “I always like wood very much. When Corona built my VW bus as a camping bus. This project has reached my end,” says Manuel Moser of his divorce process. “Every handicraft is a good life skill. It brings self-esteem and independence. If you want to start a war, you can practice more as a theoretician. Handmade workpieces are a hole in the ground and in reality,” says the reflective Lessacher.

Manuel Moser explains how the Kreissäge in Lerchners Werkstatt schneidet een shop: The Sägeblatt tends itself, purely electronically controlled, automatically into the correct position! #socool

Telling their own thoughts

“Man will trust himself, he will follow his instructions and will not be disappointed by the other’s thoughts,” describes Manuel in a look at the success story in the society. Follow your own interests, there is a path you can follow and if you no longer want to go sailing, the more relaxed path, but rather long-lasting sailing. “Weak people lose themselves in material thinking and forget their own life, desires and interests. It is my life that I long for, I can imagine being a friend in my life, with the idea that this is possible.”

“Everything you can do is always changing”

Manuel meint, so who the Holz is, has put man and life itself on Macken. Risse und Falten erzählen Geschichten davon, was Bäume oder Menschen experienced haben. Genau das ziniert Manuel. This natural find is beautiful; ben Holz, ben Leben and a Menschen. This is what motivated a divergent journey and a lifelong experience. „The experience of the Tischlerprozess ist auch das Leben: a Vorstellung heraus entsteht a Vision and a Ziel. With your work commitment, your home changes. Smaller fehler can be a man who is bigger than a novice man. Schlusdendlich entsteht ein interesting Möbelstück; or Leben.”

...and here I don't want to know: Manuel said that mir, wie die Kreissäge 1.8mm thin Stücke schneiden!

Joy and Zufriedenheit parts

“My interests will follow, with an unerwarteten and beautiful path,” summarizes Manuel. Genauso flexible-soul-oriented, so let’s see more about it. In the summer of 2025 there will be a Lehre zum Tischlereitechniker with Schwerpunkt Planung absschließen. If Manuel wants to leave his sports studio and enjoy the state ski lehrprüfung of the absolvieren. “Der Sport gibt mir zo vader, dabei bin ich am glücklichtsten. I will share this Joy with others.” The idea is that both Leidenschaften – Sports and Handicrafts – are possible in combinations and in itself they are also able to stand together, which will happen in the future. “I will be able to enjoy my pleasure and enjoy my pleasure. Damit will also make other animations, life and nature are more. With dem, was ich din, ich will bring Freude into that World.”