
Wiesn-Wahnsinn zum Oktoberfest: Hotel prices in Munich exploded

Wiesn-Wahnsinn zum Oktoberfest: Hotel prices in Munich exploded

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  2. Munich
  3. City

Oktoberfest spread across all price borders. Be careful not to scratch the surface of the crib.

Volksschauspieler Gustl Bayrhammer wusste es schon in the 80ern: “Genau is of the opinion that the weed under the gleiche, bloß as Bier is always teurer.” The fact is that Oktoberfest 2024 is well past its prime. Man will pay 15 Euro for a Maß Bier, bis 23 Euro for a half Hendl ohne Beilagen – and sisterly hunderte von Euro for a Unterkunft in Munich. Then the hotel price is steigen deutlich an. The Phänomen say that they are still alive in the man: they are worth the money of the hoteliers in the Preisspirale.

Wiesn 2024 wird teuer: Stichprobe zeit rasanten Anstieg at Hotel prices in Munich

IPPEN MEDIA what is an example of the price shift of hotels in Munich in September analysis: Quickly move on to the start of the Oktoberfest an erheblichen price. A quote: The B&B Hotel at Munich Main Station, which on 16. September still costs 86 Euro, requires a week apart between 527 and 650 Euro. The Pension Anna in the Schwantalerhöhe on the Theresienwiese has a price of 45 Euro to 450 Euro. The Ibis Budget Munich City South costs in the Vor-Wiesn-Woche 55 to 62 Euro, then 145 to 260. Beim Parkhotel Obermenzing costs 209 to 60 Euro.

Die Hotelpreise in Munich zum ersten Wiesnwochenende.
Die Hotelpreise in Munich zum ersten Wiesnwochenende. © Screenshot

Also the Munich Deluxe Hotel gets a sharp price: from 88 to 120 Euro to 377 to 760 Euro. At Louis Hotel on the Viktualienmarkt, one of the following prices, you set a price of 450 Euro Normal price of 1100 to 1200 Euro. More favorable is, if he separates a “Bett in Schlafsaal”. If you do this, this is a significant undertaking. I a&o Munich Hackerbrücke costs the “Dorm” 20 to 30 Euro, normally with the Oktoberfest-Zeit and 80 Euro.

There is no representative sample probe that stimulates the display of the comparison portals Check24. Ask a question from IPPEN MEDIA The price for the Durchnittspreis for Hotels in Munich costs 230 Euro per night. I have a total September duration of 142 euros. This is the case: Während der Oktoberfest-Zeit steigen die Preise um more as 60 Prozent. Die Zahlen von Check24 said that the Oktoberfest 2024 is not worse than the Oktoberfest 2023. Denn: I earned an amount of 210 Euro a year ago.

Exorbitant Hotel Price for Wiesn 2024: Es gibt Alternativen

Oktoberfest-Besucher von auswärts aber sparing, compensation for the Münchner Umland ausweichen. Am ersten Wiesnwochenende lie that Hotel price in Erding, Freising and Fürstenfeldbruck from 100 to 200 Euro. This Orte travels at night with the Münchner S-Bahn. The regular S-Bahn after Erding and Fürstenfeldbruck is at stop 3 of the Hauptbahnhof. From Oktoberfest to the Hauptbahnhof it takes 20 minutes.

Die Hotelpreise am ersten Wiesnwochenende in Fürstenfeldbruck, Freising and Erding.
Die Hotelpreise am ersten Wiesnwochenende in Fürstenfeldbruck, Freising and Erding. © Screenshot

Trotzdem es remains on the festival site on the Theresienwiese teuer. The price for sliced ​​and saved products is only possible if they are used. If you eat a steak, it costs 170 Euro. Place sollten tourists on Fake-Angebote. (Andreas Schmid)