
Eigentümer factory Auffüllen nach Globus-Aus

Eigentümer factory Auffüllen nach Globus-Aus

Chemnitz – To them Globe out in Neefepark in Chemnitz and of the plants plants through the Kaufland together with the self-esteem of Wort. Jochen Stahl (58) could request a teaching stand in the Neefepark. There is a Finanzspritze that helps.

The Globus im Neefepark is a bare schließen.

The Globus im Neefepark is a bare schließen. © Maik Boerner

“There was an entscheidung, which resulted in a successful outcome,” comments Jochen Stahl das Globus-Aus.

The Neefepark operates at a learning level of 5,000 square meters – with a total surface of 30,000 square meters.

“We have been there since then, with our shared experiences,” Stahl explains. Soul, that four new Unternehmen in Neefepark hinzukommen sollen.

Chemnitz: With two years of publication: Chemnitz is now new to Bad
Chemnitz Local
With two years of travel: Chemnitz is now new to Bad

“Wir sind dabei, with potenzieellen Mietern zu sprechen, dass am Ende noch 264 Quadratmeter übrig bleiben”, so Stahl über Leerflächen in Komplex.

The economy and revitalization could provide a woman with new credit that is no longer being generated.

I think this is still not the case in those years that end in 2025.