
Mountain tour through nature and Roman history

Mountain tour through nature and Roman history

If you are racing through the Taunus, buy an electric bike or an e-bike, then man schnuppert quickly in the high air. Who is appropriate, is one of the painted Rundkurs-gibt, der genau diesen Namen trägt: Taunusrunde Höhenluft. The name is the program: 680 altitude meters gilded is set at the highest point at 780 meters. It is a fight for the Luftkurort Schmitten.

During the Tour, two cyclists come across the Taunus summits very close: the Great and the Little Feldberg. The left-handed ones lie, we will spend the Tour on cycle and forest roads without roads, where both summits go over the Straße. If we are both the legend of Bergankünfte in the Tour that may be integrated (she is well painted) and fit, it may be that it is a smaller route in Kauf Nehmen.

If you see the normal run, you can eat a little. Wer durch den Taunus radelt, nicht nur Höhenmeter, sondern hat oft wunderschöne Ausblicke. A few drops of a rhomic excess or a reconstructed analysis of the obergermanic Limes. So wait in the Nordhang des Kleinen Feldbergs, because in the Wald, the Feldbergkastell teilrekonstruierte on us. A 150-year-old Christ was a Kastell war with 700 meters of the highest army army in the Upper Manisch-Raetische Limes and gehört zu the best erhaltenen Bauten in the gesamten Limes.

The more than 200 soldiers stationed here were responsible for security and defense operations and for the foreign borders of the Roman Empire. Zur Anlage gehörte auch een zivile Siedlung für Familienanggehörige der Truppe. When all the brauchten are washed and the cupboard is removed, there is no more mile to the west, where Limes creases the Passstraße, focuses on die Stelle. Denn im Fichtenwald 200 meters above the Anlage-plätschert de Quelle der Weil.

The rest of the castles and the conversion is gone. There is a fundamental basis of the inner castles and bathing area that exists. It is important that the Räder abzustellen and the Anlage with Foot zu erkunden.

Along the route you go beyond the Start- and Zielpunkt Schmitten keine Gastronomie (meer). If a discussion break has arisen, it is also a Picknick-mitnehmen – it is a good idea to improve the Wegesrand. Zum Beispiel and the Picknickbänken under the Aussichtsturms on the 662 meter high Pferdskopf. There is another height of the 36 kilometer long Tour. From the tower aus hat man a wonderful round view of the Taunushöhen in the view.


We start at Freibad in Schmitten. If you use cars, you can visit some parks here. With the ÖPNV fährt man in Schmitten zur Haltestelle „Kirche“. Both start the route in the Straße “Zum Feldberg”. Now that it’s a good mountain, go through the Ortsteil Arnoldshain, then through the Wald. Follow the blue Fahrradsignet with the inscription “Höhenluft”. After 5.5 kilometers we reach the Passhöhe Sandplace auf 669 meters. If you go left to a hotel restaurant, which is on the right of the street, it is on the right in the Wald. We still have a lot of work to do, but we can still explore our kilometers in the Feldbergkastell. If you abstain and perceive the superiority of the military armies, it cannot be that you retreat from the Weilquelle machine, it is a painting.

Continue on the Waldweg and go to the Kreuzung in the Hochtaunusstraße. Here you will find one of the Passhöhe Rotes Kreuz (688 meters). If it goes through the forest again, go to the link on the page Blick zum „Zacken“. This 640 meter high height of the Schiefer is a credible training ground for the mountain scaffolding with Zahlreichen via ferrata routes.

A beautiful view of the Ortsteile Nieder and Upper Reifenberg as well as the Burgruine Reifenberg with its impressive Wohnturm. It is the high-altitude Burg im Taunus.

Blick in die Ferne: Der Aussichtsturm auf dem Pferdskopf gilded als believable Ausflugsziel. When you are at home, the Taunus is busy studying.
Blick in die Ferne: Der Aussichtsturm auf dem Pferdskopf gilded als believable Ausflugsziel. When you are at home, the Taunus is busy studying.Frank Rumpenhorst

Going a step further, you link to the Kittelhütte zu sehen – a small Schutzhütte with Wanderparkplatz. More Wanderroutes start here. Later it is through the forest in Ortsteil Seelenberg. In the Verdingenheit wurden fell here Bäume fell. Kleiner Trost: Dadurch goes as a schöner Ausblick, on the Großen Feldberg.

After more than 16 kilometers we will travel to the right from here. We continue with the Islandpferdegestüt Akazienhof near Seelenberg and through the Wald and the Schutzhütte Weißer Stein, where more Wege crosses. From there you will reach the Pferdskopf, which will take you 21 kilometers to the left. A small Steigung-zwischen funfünf and zehn Prozent ist here its value, but that is worth it. Vom 34 Meter hohen Aussichtsturm geht der Blick in alle Himmelsrichtungen weit ins Land.

If you go to the Abzweig, you can continue the link even further and go more downhill. Wir kommen nach Treisberg, the smallest Ortsteil of the Gemeinde Schmitten. The house of the factory workshop with the small appliances and the household appliances is the old debt of the orts and of the think protection.

Add left and follow the painting in the Finsternthal with its hubschen, of torch-work houses with an ortsmittelpunkt. Here you will find a Taunus-typical wash from Gusseisen. I am right in the direction of the Kreisstraße. If you do not know what you want, if you enter an imposing of trampeltiers, you will die on the Radweg. It is not a Fata Morgana, but the group that has a few llamas and alpacas on a ranch, is offered by the Trekkingtouren.

There are more gates and mountain passes, but then with a ruin of the former Pilgrimage Church “Unsere Liebe Frau zum Landstein” ankommen. The first years in the new Glanz, after the renovation and the shape of the Außengeländes in August, will disappear these years. The final, 46-meter-long Church was finished in the 15th century.

We will travel to the right or to the left in the forest, before we pass the mountains and we will be able to enjoy the eight kilometer long distance from the Ortsteile Hunoldstal, Brombach and Dorfweil to our destination.


Feldbergkastell an der Weilquelle, along the route, jederzeit zugänglich. After the gelände has been found, there are more sculptures by artist Masayuki Koorida, which will be installed at the Rahmen der Skulpturenbiennale “Blickachsen” 2013.

Kirchenruine Landstein, freely accessible. This is the Lademöglichkeiten for e-bikes. The choir is now for the installation open.


The Tour starts in Schmitten im Taunus. With the car you can reach the Taunus you are at the Startpoint on the Autobahnen 5, 661 and 3, Schmitten is on the Landesstraßen 3004 and 3025. Der Ort wird von de RMV-Buslinien 50, 60, 80 und 86 angefahren, die auch Fahrräder Mitnehmen. From May 1 to October 27, a Samstagen, Sonn- und Feiertagen der Weiltalbus with Fahrradanhänger operates. Bahnhöfe, a busse nach Schmitten start, since: Bad Homburg for der Höhe, Königstein, Oberursel, Neu-Anspach and Weilburg.


“Zum Feldbergblick”, Panoramaweg 2, 61389 Schmitten/Hunoldstal. Mittwochs und Freitags bis sonntags durchgehend geöffnet. Gutbürgerliche, regional Küche, hausgebackener Kuchen, Fleisch and Wurstwaren from owner Herstellung.

Café and Konditorei Henrich, Taunusstraße 1, 61389 Schmitten/Arnoldshain. High-lobed Kuchenauswahl. Montags, donnerstagd to samstags 11 am to 12.45 pm and 1.15 pm to 6 pm, sunny and holiday days: 12.30 pm to 6 pm.


Length: 36.3 km

Civility: completely unaffected by road, a long road

Elevation: 690 meters

Sword: medium


The route is available as a GPX track at: