
Ex-nanny from Sandy Meyer-Wölden spricht from Alptraum-Job and Schulden

Ex-nanny from Sandy Meyer-Wölden spricht from Alptraum-Job and Schulden


Krasse Vorwürfe: Ehemalige Nanny rechnet mit Pocher-Ex Sandy Meyer-Wölden ab!

Is Sandy Meyer-Wölden a Rabenmutter? Glaubt man de Enthüllungen, die jetzt vom Stapel ließ his ex-nanny, könnte dieser Eindruck durchau entstehen!

Cologne – I Sandy Meyer-Wölden (41) What is a Rabenmutter? Glaubt man de Enthüllungen, die jetzt vom Stapel ließ his ehemalige Nanny, könnte dieser Eindruck durchhaus entstehen!

Sandy Meyer-Wölden (41) sees it as one of the first confrontations with her herbs.

Sandy Meyer-Wölden (41) sees it as one of the first confrontations with her herbs. © Image montage: Instagram/sandymeyerwoelden (Screenshots)

Gwladys Kouassi is in the world of the world, in Florida (USA) and the ex-wife of comedian Oliver Pocher (46) in the family. It was a trauma that occurred at the age of 39 as Albtraum.

In 2017, the Londoner became one of Sandy’s young Zwilling, who was befriended with an American-American Geschäftsmann. Three more children’s tribes from different backgrounds with olive oil.

When the time is up, the agent who becomes a renowned war, Kouassi takes out jets in the video interview about the Pocher-Ex and was more concerned with washing the laundry.

Bushido: Full time living, then greift Bushido ein: "Ratet mal, we were born!"
If you live well, you will then grift Bushido: “Ratet mal, wer zugeschlagen hat!”

The Englishman said that Blatt was for the world and behaved: “Those children are the boss. When I was with you, you were not for your children. And when you go to the Hause war, you often go away.” Rum!

Sandy Meyer-Wölden soll Kindermädchen noch 6100 Euro Gehalt debts

Zwischen 2010 and 2014 war that Blondine inherited from comedian Oliver Pocher (46). The ex-couple has three shared children.

Zwischen 2010 and 2014 war that Blondine acquired with comedian Oliver Pocher (46). The ex-couple has three shared children. © Arno Burgi/dpa

Auch Sandys Umgangston with its Sprösslingen feeling Gwladys gar nicht. “I have learned that my children were able to see their hearts. I had stories, they were unforgettable for children”, or they will tell you more.

If the Fünffach-Mama takes an aggressive attitude, this can be a problem. Das Kindermädchen behauptet: “I would have been sad to have been recruited on that road if I had desired my content.”

Laut Gwladys’ own Aussage so Sandy still has 6100 Euro debt. The 41 years ago there was no interest for others, it is worth making a profit yourself.

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“It is robbed and manipulative. An ungrateful and great reward”, praised by the damning Fazit of the Londonerin. Very beautiful heart tobacco, the dauber of your lips comes. Sandy hat is not averse to scratches before you use him.