
Triathlon drama: Platter Reifen stopped Anne Haug at Ironman WM

Triathlon drama: Platter Reifen stopped Anne Haug at Ironman WM

At 07.15 o’clock on Sunday morning the starting shot for the Ironman-WM of women in French Nizza. If I start the war with Anne Haug, I die in July the challenge Roth for a new world best time. But the 41-year war in Bayreutherin das Glück on the Côte d’Azur did not hold.

Platter Hinterreifen stops Mitfavoritin auf den WM-Titel

Bereits nach Kapp einer Stunde endet das Rennen für die Vizeweltmeisterin des Vergangenenen Years. After a good swim in the Mittelmeer over 3.8 kilometers, Anne Haug arrives with a back position of 03:54 minutes in the water. Bereits kurz dem Wechsel auf das Rad hat Haug alldings einen platten Hinterreifen. The device can be used by itself, but when inflating the air with a CO2 cartridge it acts as a shock absorber. Anne Haug waits Minute um Minute auf technical Hilfe, but it doesn’t come. Schließlich sie aus dem Rennen aus. So the Ironman-Weltmeisterin des Jahres 2019 the WM 2024 ended on a technical defect.

Anne Haug: WM-Aus weigh Rad-Defekt

Whoever has treated Anne Haugs Manager Frank Übelhack BR24 in the best way, has seen the mantelpiece of one of the risss, who has sold the Platten. If the war in the mantelpiece has begun, there could now be a mutated company, which offers a metal resistance to the vergleichsweise large Loch hunt, so the belhack continues.

“That is the smartest, was an athlete and such a passion can.” Frank Übelhack, manager Anne Haug

Anne Haug, who was very happy after the race at the hotel, was not even bothered by it. If you are a Manager, you will soon be able to get started.

Anne Haug has been at the World Championships Podest since 2018. In 2019, Lucy Charles-Barkley from Great Britain was the winner in the past year. The title display results in the injury clause being implemented on the starting list. Thus, Anne Haug sings together with the German Laura Philipp as top champion on the title.