
Oktoberfest – Zweiter Wiesntag starts with Trachtenzug – Traumwetter – Bayern

Oktoberfest – Zweiter Wiesntag starts with Trachtenzug – Traumwetter – Bayern

Munich (dpa) – Die Wiesn has started the second Festtag at Kaiserwetter. Vormittag sucked in more than 9000 Trachtlers during Munich Richtung Oktoberfest. It’s a great time to see the Straßen, one of the most exciting spectacles with Schützen, Brauereigespanning, Muziekkapellen and Spielmannszügen zu sehen.

Ehrenkutsche with Florian Silbereisen

In Ehrenkutschen, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter (SPD) and Wiesn chief Clemens Baumgärtner (CSU) meet. In Baumgärtners Kutsche saß as Überraschungsgast Florian Silbereisen. We experienced the Münchner ritual with the sale of the Wirtstochter Franziska Inselkammer.

Reiter had the first Fasses das Oktoberfest opener on Samstag with the traditional Anzapfen. A ‘Traumstart’ occurs. Bei Sonne and cloudless blue Himmel kamen am ersten Tag rund een halbe Million Menschen.

So, with a bit of luck in one of the white and blue gladiolus-styled Kutsche, you will be able to enjoy the fun in your dress – you will enjoy the experience of the celebration of the people’s festivities.

Morisco and Schäffler

Moriskentänzer and Schäffler, who lived with my Tanz de Menschen in der Pestzeit aufheitern, begleiteten the Zug. Additional Trachten met ebenso additional Kopfbedeckungen were so, and Goldhauben, die früher, so hieß es in Bayerischen Fernsehen, so the costs of a Pferd fell. Groups from Teilen Deutschlands are guests from another country from Österreich, Italy, Switzerland and Ukraine to be in their own country for miles.

Rise on the sea

Erneut stürmten am Sonntag is the first guest to know about the geländes in Zelten, a Platz on ergatern. The Besucherlauf hatte am Samstag zu einigen Stürzen geführt, wie de Helfer der Aicher-Sanitätsstation messageseten. A patient has taken the blame and raised the finger. The sanitary device must take care of their patients, and a drop from the road intoxication after falling from alcohol.

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