
Travel Tips: These Short-Term Trips Were for the Right Spirit

Travel Tips: These Short-Term Trips Were for the Right Spirit


Travel TipsThese short trips were for the right spirit

Hausgemachte Pasta in Bologna or open-minded Plundergebäck in Copenhagen – a new travel leader will never leave you with a culinary journey through Europe and some secret tips.

Laura Zygmunt

Laura Zygmunt

On my new travel itinerary «Foodie Trips – 40 types of Weeks» from Lonely Planet the city and my Food-Hotspots have shifted. Among others Bologna.

On my new travel itinerary «Foodie Trips – 40 types of Weeks» from Lonely Planet the city and my Food-Hotspots have shifted. Among others Bologna.


From the best offers to Schweizer Slow Food – Genussmenschen come in the new Lonely Planet Bildband «Foodie Trips – 40 genusswochenenden» full of your costs. Der Reiseführer führt Foodies on a journey through 20 Länder in Europe and some culinary tips for 40 Wednesday trips for your budget. Suggest a small Auswahl for.

For gourmets: Bordeaux, France

In Bordeaux you will find the traditional bistros with the focus on the bordelaise or Austern in Arcachon, with a local cuisine with North African cuisine, in the Couscous and Tajines that can be served. Herunterspülen lässt sich das gute Essen in Caves à Vins – small wine bars – the Tapas-Gerichte and a wide selection with Tropfen-offeren.

Dürfen nicht fehlen in Bordeaux: Austern and a good white wine.

Dürfen nicht fehlen in Bordeaux: Austern and a good white wine.

image images/Kickner

Eating tip: Bordeaux had a number of larger-than-life brands, aber of the historic market Les Capucins, which had started in 1749, is no more than empfehlenswert. The uber-thoughtful market awaits a four o’clock morning to Leben. Then, when the Metzger risige Steaks zum Frühstück are essential, wait for the Night Warmer to enjoy a letzte Flasche Wein.

For Gemütliche: Valais, Switzerland

The Wallis has not eaten raclette, fondue and wine, but it was no longer noticeable. In the letter of the Zeit it is so that a Slow Food destination is found and preserved now in Dorf Sarrey the first Slow Food municipality of Switzerland. These traditions of mountain gastronomy disappeared 19 years ago. Jahrhunderts wieder aufleben.

Eating tip: Tips for a stroll in the après-ski pub Crock No Name in Verbier visit the small restaurant La table du vingt-deux mit, appropriately zum Namen, 22 Sitzplätzen. Enjoy a Bergküche with Rösti und Co. This is the place where the food is prepared with the Erbsen und Gartenminze or the Rinderfilet in the Val d’Hérens (Eringertal). Everything is fresh and neat.

Für Naschkatzen: Copenhagen, Denmark

In Copenhagen, the Backtradition is experiencing a new heritage – an approach to the great culinary quality of the city, including the Absolventinnen and Absolventen des Sternerestaurants Noma, the own restaurants in the area.

From Zimtschnecken bis zu mit Vanillecreme filled Plundern: In Copenhagen the backups in your Leckereien are deleted.

From Zimtschnecken bis zu mit Vanillecreme filled Plundern: In Copenhagen the backups in your Leckereien are deleted.

IMAGO/Dean photos

Eating tip: It’s a question of cardamom, before the little boy enters the winzige Eckbäckerei of Juno in Østerbro, it is a hidden Johannisbeer- and Himbeerstraäuchern. Behind the pastry shop is Emil Glaser, a Noma-Absolvent. Juno is the perfect place for a cardamombrötchen or for one of the standard Instagram creations, which can be found all over the tag.

Für Hungrige: Emilia-Romagna, Italy

The cuisine of the Ruhm area of ​​the Emilia-Romagna region is one of the most popular dishes of the Emilia-Romagna region: Meat Sauces, Pasta with Tagliatelle, Lasagne, Garganelli and Tortellini or Meat Products with Mortadella, Schinken and Speck. If the white balsamic vinegar contains the Parmesan cheese, it is of high quality.

Eating tip: About 30 kilometers west of Bologna you will find a man in the village of Savigno who has won a Michelin Star at Trattoria da Amerigo. The Besitzer is Alberto Bettini. Seine Großeltern opened the Restaurant 1934 as a Tavern for Weintrinken and Kartenspielen. Even though there are no people who are busy with the kitchen chef Giacomo Orlandi, “now that it was used, the Hof, the Hühnerstall, the Gemüsegarten, the Felder and the many other Wälder zu bieten haben”.

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