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Merzenich: A Pedelec-Fahrer is easier to use during the traffic accident.

The 76-year-old man during the summer holidays (22.09.2024 at 11:40 am) in Begleitung seiner Frau mit dem Fahrrad op een asphaltierten Feldweg in der Gemarkung Merzenich unterwegs. De Feldweg-bildet mit dem Valdersweg in Merzenich und der questions B264 een Kreuzung, welche für alle Richtungen met een Ampel vershen. While the Ampel Grünlicht-zeigte, the Fahrradfahrer spies the Bundesstraße over the Valdersweg in the Ortslage Merzenich over the Fahren. If you receive a PKW time point, you can follow the Valdersweg with links to Bundesstraße 264, abbiegen wollte. There is no other way or it is a matter of time. A little head of spring, the Fahrradfahrer is a lenkerverrissen and comb of autumn. There are even more opportunities to experiment and work in a hospital. The PKW driver sets his road strong without himself to overcome the misfortunes. The only effort that the problem entails is a consequence of the fluid process. It is a fact that it is a dark/black SUV that is being traded. Marke and Kennzeichen are not possible. The police please say, which complaints are due to traffic accident or the If you would like to make a special PKW, please call 02421-949-0 or send an e-mail This email address is protected from spambots! Please provide us with JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! to report.

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