
Diebin durch Videoüberwachung erwischt –


A 58-year-old woman from Villach has started more thebstähle in the large Villach using smartphones, laptops or briefcases, which come from the packaging material pile. In hotels in Velden it is possible that you get a sleeping space while viewing a room.

I think the best woman in a hotel in Velden has become one of the many hotels in the hotel and hotel staff. If you make video recordings of a certain topic, the data can be identified and the results can be displayed in the area of ​​the field parties.

Beute in Hotel zimmer sichergestellt

In your hotel room more smartphones, a high price laptop, money and a trolley with a safe life can be used. Derzeitige damages damage occurs on more euros. The ermittlungen der Polizei were still some time in Anspruch take. The Staatsanwaltschaft Klagenfurt orders the Einlieferung der Frau in the Justizanstalt Klagenfurt and.