
500. Baby born in the hospital of the Holy Spirit in Fritzlar

500. Baby born in the hospital of the Holy Spirit in Fritzlar

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500. Baby born in the hospital of the Holy Spirit in Fritzlar
With the stolen Eltern Lisa Keim and Florian Erbe-Keim (right), Celine and Adrian Völker are happy with Schwester Bettina Koch, Hebamme Barbara Seifert and Schwester Stefanie Schwed. © Peter Zerhau

In Freitag, September 20, war is so beautiful: I am Fritzlarer Hosptial ist das 500. Baby is born in the world, and nurzeit später sogar das 501. Baby.

This is the team of the hospital in the Holy Spirit in the Freitag, September 20, in the Mittagszeit. In half of 65 minutes the 500th and the 501st baby were born. At 12:08 pm Lisa Keim from the Gensungen brought the little Lotta with a weight of 3620 Grams and a Größe of 53 Zentimetern on the Welt. For the happy mother and the stolen father Florian Erbe-Keim the daughter of Emma (7) is the second son.

Fritzlarer Hospital: Zwei Babies innerhalb kurzer Zeit

At 1.13 pm Celine Völker from Borken brought the little Lionel to the Welt, der stolze 4720 Gramm at 56 Zentimeter Größe on the Waage. For Celine Völker and Ehemann Adrian, Lionel is the dichotomy of his kind. Zu Hause in Borken wartet Miro (3) auf sein Brüderchen. Am Samstag, September 21, and Sonntag, September 22.

With the stolen Eltern Lisa Keim and Florian Erbe-Keim (right), Celine and Adrian Völker are happy with Schwester Bettina Koch, Hebamme Barbara Seifert and Schwester Stefanie Schwed. (Peter Zerhau)