
Der Mühlbach leuchtet quietschgelb: Wieder Entenlopen in Dießen

Der Mühlbach leuchtet quietschgelb: Wieder Entenlopen in Dießen

Der Mühlbach in Dießen leuchtete am Samstagnachmittag quietschgelb, als Hunderte Enten am Untermüllerplatz in the Bach were setzt and for the Augen velder Zuschauer ihre Reise zum Ammersee antraten. Splurge for four minutes on the bridge in the Seeanlagen, where you can celebrate with Keschern and win a prize for your Besitzer erschwommen with a Glück.

After the first terminology of the Entenlopens roads that become in the Frühjahr war, the Diessener Lions Club can now use the Benefiz-Aktion at Sonnenschein nachholen. “Der Lions Club is a great NGO organization,” said Helmut Fietzek, organizer and chairman of the Lions Clubs. „We live with our souls, we will live together, we will be happy in the future, we will be able to play children’s homes in Africa or here for the rest of the world.“ After all, we will regularly perform actions with our children’s races, so there will be 18. statfand.

Tradition of the Profit of the Entenrace in Kinderheim St. Alban invented

An Entlein konnte man for three euros and bring the start, for the euro they were four. Zudem verkaufte der Verein noch Kuchen, Getränke und bot Torwandschießen für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene an. Wo das eingenommene Money hinges, it is not yet entschieden. “Traditionally, the Kinderheim St. Alban always takes care of a share,” says Fietzek. If anyone knew, who attacked a man, became a man at the next reconciliation of the other children’s hilfs projects.

If you are motivated, it may be that in Schwimmern in the Luck of Suchen, you will get your main prize and 30 weeks more Gift certificates and Sachpreise. Ganz stands on a Rundflug above the Ammersee, a Segeltörn on the Albatros and a humid air. When the Entlein beim Rennen-management takes place in your Soul-fanden, gestaltete sich the Siege ceremony something more complicated. The microphone no longer functions as wartime and platz-war, so packed with Visitors, it is the winner who can determine his price based on the cont. Closing and then but every price his Owners.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of the Lions Clubs’ benefit campaign: “Of course I am happy, the people are so good and helpless.” Concrete is the sparkling Hilfe, which is the society of its own people, the sponsors , the Wasserwacht and the market Those who are happy: “I find that everything is important, so we can continue to enjoy our activities.”