
Bauer sucht Frau: RTL focuses on Start plötzlich for Candidates

Bauer sucht Frau: RTL focuses on Start plötzlich for Candidates

Appropriate for 20. Staffel von „Bauer sucht Frau“ wollte RTL eigentlich 20 liebeshungrige Bäuerinnen and Bauern präsentieren. All singles from the cultural Kuppel Show were included in the Ausstrahlung events. The message received from the sender will be reported.

„Bereits seit der ersten Staffel von ‘Bauer sucht Frau’ anyway ‘Bauer sucht Frau International’ imagines more Bäuerinnen and Bauern, as Ausgestrahlt were. The Gründe may not be that good and production-technical or personal in nature, so be sure that the users of the Landwirt:innen are not present or they will be able to have a new partner in their future, which will be beneficial to a broadcaster from RTL.

“Bauer sucht Frau”: Nur 14 statt 20 Singles dabei

Since the training period Franz (25) has since been announced in July, he has been able to learn more about his work, because of the great absence of the TV cameras, the trainer Chiara Maria (24) has only been able to give up for a few days in his Ausscheiden. When presenting the ‘Bauer sucht Frau’ stars on the show’s official Instagram channels, you will see four other posts in the previous Vorstellung aus.

Auch Milchbauer Hubert (28), Bio-Ackerbauer Simon (30), Wildtierbauer Michael (46) and Bio-Schweinezüchter Elko (43) were never seen on TV during the anniversary celebration. Am Montag, September 30, 8:15 p.m., startet die 20. Staffel von „Bauer sucht Frau“ with Moderatorin Inka Bause (55) at RTL. The following pages can be broadcast for a week via streaming service RTL+. (tsch)