
“Of the low war is a matter of strength”

“Of the low war is a matter of strength”

Am Montagabend is in “Ur-Löwe” Frank Thelen for a Sendung as an investor in “Die Höhle der Löwen”. We are ready to watch the show during the show.

“Of the low war is a matter of strength”

This is a complete shipment after a year of DHL break. Back again: Frank Thelen.
Anne Hufnagel

Frank Thelen was one of the “Ur-Löwen” at “Die Höhle der Löwen”. Years ago, from 2014 to 2019, he invested in Startups. Obwohl is a techie who is an investor and investor, who Thelen with his VC firm freely trades over the number of food startups. When the active Staffel of “Die Höhle der Löwen” was a Zehn-jaars-jubiläumsshow, Frank Thelen held for a sequel to zurück. Wir haben zu diesem Anlass mit hehm geprochen.

Frank, were there any significant investments in “Die Höhle der Löwen”?

These were YFood, Ankerkraut, 3Bears and Little Lunch.

Would you like to see a show of “Die Höhle der Löwen” and see the pitches, who has changed in the Laufe der Zeit?

The Gründer comes with better results in the Show, the quality of the pitches can be adjusted. A couple of people are in touch with the production team: I received my feedback after the first review.

When you’re on the show, has the green overall changed?

In the letzten-monaten the interests are in the VC-Szene and are massively sunk – by the sense politics and a general uncertainty on the private market. If it is more interesting not to go on the Bewertungen, then the Show will go up. If the Gründern is not able to do this, it is a good thing as an Investor, Expectation-Management to betreiben.

Who took the trouble to solve the problems, dams and today?

Damals are relatively unpredictable in their work and for the slick staff who are busy with their money, while those things are flaring up. When a studio was in the studio, I was more and more busy with setting pictures, getting feedback and keeping Blatt in front of the world.

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About the Gründer-Team: What aspects of the pitch are important to you?

I always ask myself: What is the USP? The team has a dishonest way of working, where the company goes a step further than the factory or a productive production. A business venture is recommended. It is the best choice for a VC-Case.

Was this the biggest dealbreaker at “The Cave of the Lions”?

If Gründer does not recognize the Mehrwert, he will be considered an investor. Manchmal stops the Gründerteams with a good Bewertungsfeest and doesn’t look good, but the Kapital is no longer available and no Heritage and Manpower have been introduced. This means that I am more than happy with my strengths, bzw. schlechter Vorbereitung.

Do you have a Vorsätze for the Show? For example, if you want to pro Staffel a Zahl and Deals-mitnehmen, or no longer as a best best summer can use?

No, I have the idea that I read. If you invest in the free time of your own money, it may be that the costs get a boost. Of course all answers are possible, offers for machines – the only show that does not work. But at the end must the product and the Gründer also pass.

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If “Die Höhle der Löwen” should be separated, or an Angebot-machst or nicht. Who is the investor who attended the show?

There is an investment process going on that is determined by the free time when there is no power. When Fokus went further with Deep Tech, he was probably a German deep-pocketed Due Diligence candidate. Now it comes that we can now close a few deals for a few years, but we can work with packages and do our delivery with a few purchases. Therefore we have great value that the deal also really fits: We get to know the founders personally, do our first investment workshops, get a feeling for how the joint work is done. The world of our portfolio is a bigger mission – the choice of the technology and the product roadmap for the go-to-market strategy and the team that offers everything.

Would you like to know more about DHDL as a strong investor?

When the low war started, the strength was greater, but I also found it so heavy that the Gründer feedback was appreciated. I have received feedback if I have found something, that can be with the Show a few specific features. So we can re-energize many people in Germany and the Themes Gründung and Startups.

Now “The Lion Cave” is a TV show every now and then: Can you find the balance between entertainment and business?

If I see more Tech-Deals, it is a fact that the show on the show is no longer functional. It was a good operation, if it could, with the power supply and it was possible. Davon does not benefit from the entertainment factor of the show, but from the Gründer in Form von Airtime. In the Vergangenheit it is a matter of a part of the results on the Show heraus aufzubauen. If this balance contains more content, you can use it all.

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It’s been a long time since I spent a long time: What a moment in the show you remember?

A Pitch, the mirror of the inner experience, is from YFood – the two were super sharp, super grim, the sides in their numbers and themes. It is possible that I directly überzeugt – and I am the right choice. YFood is one of the most common DHDL startups of all time.

And with another Löwin or another Löwen?

I think I saw a first time the Food-Investment Little Lunch, which invested with Judith Williams. I learned a lot here: another, the strong effect of the show on the display is – and that is our server and lagerbestände that take far too long. If you look at the operation of the Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. If I come from the software world and how little money I get in electronic trading, even if I with the green losses and the first time click geputzt.

Who sees it with a personal highlight?

My personal highlight is the friendship that is on the show of Judith Williams and Ralf Dümmel. Despite my four-year exit, we stand next to each other in contact, we understand each other well. I treasure both of them.

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