
Mit Obst und Gemüse Gebrechlichkeit im Alter vorbeugen – Heilpraxis

Mit Obst und Gemüse Gebrechlichkeit im Alter vorbeugen – Heilpraxis

The insurance of fruit and vegetables can significantly increase the risks for the situation in life. An intervention strategy can call on a German translation of health care in another situation.

Car and Source Information

This text focuses on the literature of literature, the medical guideline uses study and work of meditation and Medizinerinnen geprüft.


  • Kaikai Hu, Liuyin Jin, Yang Yang, Linman Wu, Guomin Xie, et al.: The relationship between fruit and vegetable intake and frailty: data from NHANES 2007-2018; in: Heliyon (published 18.09.2024), Heliyon
  • Courtney L. Millar, Alyssa B. Dufour, James R. Hebert, Nitin Shivappa, Olivia I. Okereke, et al.: Association between pro-inflammatory diet and the onset of frailty in adults with and without depressive symptoms: results from the Framingham Offspring Study; in: Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences (published on 13.07.2022), Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences

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