
Künstliche Intelligenz: Auf Platz 3 – Deutschland was therefore more often accepted

Künstliche Intelligenz: Auf Platz 3 – Deutschland was therefore more often accepted

The ChatGPT product manager sees the Bundesrepublik among the three German states. Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck and digitalization minister Volker Wissing have drawn up a number of rules, an innovation in the area of ​​the ground – Grundzüge for a entspeakende Behörde stehen beready.

After an investigation by experts in the law, the Deutschland base is a branch of the international intelligence service (AI), which was established when the country itself has warnings. “Germany has three large ChatGPT markets, we also have customers here,” says Nicholas Turley, ChatGPT Product Manager, WELT AM SONNTAG.

„I may have a good feeling“, so Turley, der selbst Deutscher ist, „aber ich glaube wirklich, dass Deutschland hier erolgreich mitspielt“. The Industrial State Organization OECD is proud to announce that the Federal Republic of Germany is part of the Grundlagenforschung in the current Spitzenklasse. With 17 percent of patent applications, the US and China are in second place.

Turley weist in the turneilung of the signalman, it is not even that big that start-ups schaue, get another change, the situation at the turn. It looked like Schwung was the manager here. “I was not very proud, but the next generation of AI start-ups was born in Berlin.”

The Wahrnehmung in Deutschland is often a different day. Kritiker weisen daraufhin, because the country roads are lighter Investitionen in the region as well as their hearts regulation by the EU and Datenschützer bei dieser in Zukunft vermutlich existenzieellen Technology zurückzufallen droht. Gerade in concrete terms about American and Chinese people.

Although the efforts for the Federal Republic are long-lasting, there are own standards and global AI powers that will be deployed. “This often occurs in Transfer in de Praxis”, suggested the digitalization minister Volker Wissing (FDP).

If all goes well, venture capitalism has become more attractive here in the United States. “Das wollen will get a fee for investment projects for private investment and a secondary market for anti-startup purchases,” says Wissing. Zugleich has become a moratorium on new regular services in the digital world from the EU, creating many complicated rules that bring innovations to the market.

Auch Vizekanzler Robert Habeck (Grüne) will be able to fully entfalten on the AI ​​field as Deutschland Kraft. “An important factor is that: Wir brauchen einf Regeln, die ermöglichen statt erschweren”, says that it is WELT AM SONNTAG. It is a March Route along the Umsetzung of the European AI Regulation.

If the paper is recovered, the Federal Government, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Justice, has the Basic Principles for the AI-Belongings- and Surveillance Structure-erarbeitet – which has formed one of the EU regulation proposals.

The Center for the Federal Government will see the following reports, it is in this Paper: “Schaffung Schlanker Structures from the View of the Market Act.” Die Vermeidung von Doppelstrukturen, ein Efficient Verzahnung der Aufsichtsstruktur with others EU Legal Acts in Digitalbereich anyway that possible Bundelung von Aufsichtsaufgaben, auch erm one of the most likely problems with the European KI-Verordnung sicherzustellen.

The Bundesnetzagentur became the most diverse interests. “You will be able to understand the best structures of central coordination structures and KI-competent centers”, he said in more detail. A settlement will be carried out.

Outside the EU there are warnings about restrictions on the Federal Government on their own country. “Sechs Prozent der globalen KI-Investitionen find in der EUstatt. Schon de EU if Gezes die schwierigkeiten, the Anschluss nicht zu verlieren. Deutschland does not want to buy anything“, Fürchtet der Vorsitzende der EPP-Fraktion, Manfred Weber. “We will create a strong European Innovation Union.”

The EU is a European AI leadership project dealing with the mobility of the Zukunft or with Kampf against Krebs. “Aber auch beim Aufbau des Indoormarkts für Teidigung wollen wire eine Innovationsagentur analogue der US-DARPA, which voranbringt other other KI.” Weber warned of a “Wild-West-Welt”, which experienced everything, was Bringing Money: “Wir setzen Als we consider the European way of life as a lifestyle, AI will serve us.”

Stefan Beutelsbacher is a Correspondent in Brussels. A message has been sent Economy-, Trade- and Climate policy of the EU.

Jan Dams ist Ressortleiter Wirtschaft und Finanzen von WELT und WELT am Sonntag.

Benedict Fuest is the economics correspondent for Innovation, Network and IT.

Tobias Keizer is the Correspondent for European Economic Affairs. There is much else European Volkswirtschaften, schreibt über den Standing Place Bill on the continent and news about other companies and the following pages in Germany.