
Abschluss an der Drau in Sillian and Startschuss am Villgratenbach

Abschluss an der Drau in Sillian and Startschuss am Villgratenbach

The project on the Drau in Sillian/Arnbach with an investment amount of 11.6 million euros was completed. In Villgratenbach in Heinfels, more than 14 million euros were invested in the high-water protection in 2027.

After eight years of construction work, work on the flood protection project and the drau in Sillian could be completed. With an investment of 11.6 million. Euros are responsible for the safety of environmental protection and transport infrastructure as well as for the economical infrastructure. With the flow of water in place for an attractive shape.

The official Fertigstellungsfeier for the completion of projects takes place on Saturday, September 21. In Heinfels it is possible to use a label with the official space for the construction of projects of the Hochwasserschutz Villgratenbach in Angriff management.

Minister Norbert Totschnig: “The high water catastrophe in Eastern Austria once again highlights the power of nature and the fact that there is a recovered potential, which has changed dramatically during the climate walk. If you want to set one of the following things, you can still set the extreme wetness higher. These first verdeutlichen are only a few years ago, it is an irreplaceable thing, to actively anticipate possible nature and adapt to the high level of protection and the current requirements. “

“In Tyrol, nature is a standard companion. Special of the district Lienz is a topographical river vessel that has no indescribable Blatt. In 1966 Sillian noted the two-year-old largest high water. Over the years, it has – thanks to the high water protection – no longer from the flooding of the affected areas”, says LH-Stv. Josef Geisler on past high water area.

The Freude about the new generation is a man on the Sillianer Bgm. Franz Schneider and his Amtsvorgängern an. “Because of the project, the Gefahrenzonen in the relevant Siedlungsgebieten were taken into account. Together with the next new maßnahmen, the quality of life here in the region will improve,” the mayor said.

Hochwasserschutz, Ökologie and Erholung in a project association

One of the best infrastructure builders built in the 1970s and the best infrastructure from the 1970s started in Sillian 2016 with the largest wasserbauliche Vorhaben in Tyrol. “Der Ortskern von Sillian lies like the Flussbett der Drau. If you carry out projects, the route from the villgratenbaches and the Ortsteil Arnbach goes to a stretch of a ride of 3.8 kilometers, the Ufersicherungen are newly oriented. Fünf Brücken wurden ohne Pfeiler im Fluss new, wodurch die Gefahr vor Verklausungen deutlich reduziert wird”, erläuterte Markus Federspiel, Vorstand der Abteilung Wasserwirtschaft. Oberhalb des tiefergelegten Bereichs would aim a kind of Wildholzrechen – on these maßnahme trägt dazu, die Gefahr von Verklausungen in Ortsgebiet zu minimieren.

Neben der Sicherheit beht es bei Bauvorhaben im Wasserbau immer auch auch ökologische maßnahmen anyway the Nutzung der Flussbereiche zu Erholungszwecken. “While the Einbindung des Gerberbaches in the Flussbett der Drau, a cow was 600 meters longer Abschnitt aufgeweitet, wodurch in diesem Bereich sowohl für Tiere as auch für Pflanzen wertvoller Lebensraum was created,” informed Federspiel.

Spatenstich for the second Bauphase am Villgratenbach

In Heinfels at the Hochwasserschutz am Villgratenbach with the letzten Baulos in Bereich der Schluchtstrecke fortgesetzt. Der nunmehrige Spattenstich marks the official Startschuss. After the construction of the joint projects at 32 Hektar Bauland you will find 128 homes and buildings in front of a high laundry area with a huntertjährlichen eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit geschützt. Dafür is not a whole Bundle of a Massnahmen.

Heart of the Project is a huge development in the airflow of Villgratenbachs, which can hold up to 50,000 cubic meters of shot and gestein. For the stabilization of the water beds under the barrier were installed 15 Sohlgurte from heavy water construction stones restored. The start of the projects must go in the Landesstraße over the new barrier and be carried out at a distance of 6 meters. Links can be used by Dämme and Mauern at a long distance of half a kilometer.

A construction of the two construction cuts – which walk the new bridge – could be carried out in the years 2020 to 2023. The construction site is active for the herb plant 2027. For the two construction cuts investments in the Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Regions and Water Management, the State of Tyrol and the Municipality Heinfels-insgesamt for 14 million euros. The users of these machines, the sensitivity and know-how have gone through it, by the Federal Water Construction Authority to a fachlicher accompaniment of the Construction Districts Lienz.

Text: Redaktion, Photos: EXPA Groder