
So the first stage program is “Soft Ice”

As a man with strong body and strength: Dominik Muheim’s Solo is a Hommage from the year 2000

The Salzburger Stier-Preisräger said his first stage solo with «Soft Ice». A personal journey that takes place in the holy Basler-Landjugend and in the neuroses that guide our lives.

Younger Mann lebte his hinter dem Mouth: Kabarettist Dominik Muheim.

Younger Mann lebte his hinter dem Mouth: Kabarettist Dominik Muheim.

Image: White

Eines ist sicher: Aus der Perspektive der Bühnenkunst wird 2024 als Hochzeit der Hochzeiten in Erinnerung bleiben. Let your dreams about a part of the history of the world come true with its imaginative fantasies. If you strengthen the protocol of the Verehelichung, you add humor to the toxic Nährboden of Verwandtschaft and with them zum Scheitern verurteilten Perfectionanspruch of Hochzeitsplanern and Brautleuten.

If you are one of the professional pros of Karl’s Kühner Gassenschau, who with your show «Reception» that summer a whole high time in wasser setzten. One of the German moderators and the author Dirk Stermann was busy writing an ehrlichen and an egoistic high note on his tocher dieses Jahr den Salzburger Stier gewann (‘Zusammenbraut’).

Thirty and the youngest in the Ehebund, the Schweizer Salzburger Stier-Preisträger Dominik Muheim, is 31 years old, I am also heir to the «fallen» Alter. In the first solo program «Soft Ice», which premiered on the Palazzo-Bühne in the Liestal, it is like this: Was the passion of your own person, when you spoke with the writer Ingeborg Bachmann, during the last years?

If Freundin Lina is in the kitchen, it now becomes a merit that Muheim is in the diesel-existential Krise with damals, as the Punkbraut Lina with clambered Mercedes-Stern is a Hals-ze-betuliche Jugend in the basic landschaftliche Gemeinde Reigoldswil-zertrümmerte.

Where did the mouth land? Die Schweizer!

Damals the life of the young Muheim so hinter Mond, that is glaubte, a Swiss Astronaut name How Iseli as erster the Fuss in the Mondkraterlandschaft came into existence. Die Fehleinschätzung beruht auf einem kindlichen Übersetzungsfehler (‘How easily he walks’) of the English Mondlandungsvideos, and where Linas Schläge nicht gewesen and hätte man nicht gemeinsam eine Feuerwanze bedigt, hätte Muheim in Dreiklang aus Gülle, Geranien and Gewohnheit not die Seiten der Existen z know gelert.

If a rebel is in his solo guitar, then it is Muheim himself. It is naive and insulting to life, singing on the run and on the run, while your Umfeld in the Dreissigern feasts on Dinge, Menschen and Überzeugungen.

Muheim must work in his own school with the insulting bathrobe, Müllsack and his headlock, and that urgent bed rest, one of the many passing mutters of gratulieren, we will in this life trotz drei gofen so well functioned.

Look at the sharp points and the sharp hour

With their Naivität hat Muheim schon eeninmal mit seinem Bühnenkollegen Valerio Moser de thailändischen Sextourismus beschrieben. Wer de skurrilen Erlebnisprotokolle aus dem Buch «Und was die Menschheit sonst noch so zu bieten hat», erchienen 2021 bij Verlag «Der healthy Menschenversand», nor know it, they are urgent and Herz laid.

The Slampoet Muheim remains on the cabaret stage also the Geschichtenerzähler, there is a war. There is a view of short points, fast hours and fast results on the management of resentments. Statistics are a cosmos of love-value figures, sets his – and the power that is so conschlussfähig – in the pop culture history of the year 2000, as a miserable man after party evening with naked upper body in the racial powers and his still housewife engag. The representation is of the greatest faith, while the own Making-Of of the highest time, the Muheim fisherman Freundin Lina versprochen hat.

There is nothing more to it. If the writers of the Muheims-jugend have a subtle influence on globalization, on Swiss neutrality – the cabaret glorification of the peacemaker and the criticism of history and the independence of the world – the high time spent on a Harmlosen Metafer in Muheims Hochzeitsrede eskalieren.

The Gleichnisschacht is not the only Biblical Touch, the Muheim looks beyond it. There is that Sätze, with Danes there and a friend of outsiders, as jeder von ihnen ein Evangelist: Muheim, Verse 34. Lina, Verse 62. A beautiful, striking idea for the description of the common Miteinanders, in their own own Exegesis considers and still knows everything I have to say. Da sagen wir doch gerne Amen dazu.

Dominik Muheim. «Soft ice cream». N29.9., Altes Spital Solothurn. 7.10., Theater am Hechtplatz, Zurich. 18.10. Theater studio Olten. 24.10. Rathus Schür, Baar. Weitere Termine can be found here.