
Chemnitz launched Saxony’s first FamilienApp, but it was not found in the App Store

Chemnitz launched Saxony’s first FamilienApp, but it was not found in the App Store

Seit de heutigen Montagnachmittag is a family app for the Chemnitzer Bürger.

Chemnitz – I am at the highest point at 2:56 PM in the Startschuss field for death Chemnitz FamiliesApp.

Michael Schirmer (44, left) and Bürgermeisterin Dagmar Ruscheinsky (65, part) schalteten with children who are free.

Michael Schirmer (44, left) and Bürgermeisterin Dagmar Ruscheinsky (65, part) schalteten with children who are free. © Sven Gleisberg

In the 18th children’s conference, at the Grundschüler in the Stadtstratessaal of the Rathauss tags, the red Knopf is symbolically printed, an app offiziell to start. Was Kann Sie?

Whoever betrays the name schon vertät, focuses the application on families, youth and young adults. I am enthusiastic about the app info on the city boats that change – from pregnancy to youth – so that the themes of health care and its use are considered.

“With this Bandbreite is the first App in Saxony,” says Sozialbürgermeisterin Dagmar Ruscheinsky (65, participant). Darüber hinaus gibt’s noch einen Veranstaltungskalender. Derzeit since dort 1141 Events from 78 Veranstaltern listed.

Chemnitzhoed 504 Brücken! But who knows that in Schuss?
Chemnitz politics
Chemnitzhoed 504 Brücken! But who knows that in Schuss?

“It’s been a long time since the project has been completed. We will continue to follow suit”, thus the assertive Jugendamtsleiter Michael Schirmer (44).

This is what the new "FamiliesAPP" of the city of Chemnitz.

So check out the new “FamilienAPP” from the City of Chemnitz. © Sven Gleisberg

Family app is a work of art

SPD-Stadträtin Julia Bombien (42) tested the App.

SPD-Stadträtin Julia Bombien (42) tested the App. © Sven Gleisberg

I’m going to the green Jugendhilfeausschuss Licht for the App in January. Vorausgedingen war ein Beschlussantrag der rot-rot-grünen Stadtfraktionen.

Entwickelt would be the application of the Design Agency Studio Nomai from Würzburg, which has been meeting with Kommunen since 2018. The costs are already 10,000 euros, I believe. A visual campaign with posters in the city has been planned.

The app on the phone is compatible, it’s all compatible. In the App Stores the Chemnitzer Anwendung is not found. You can now also visit a website at and look at the start page – the family app is also a work of art.

This Chemnitzerin will take place in the Bundestag in 2025
Chemnitz politics
This Chemnitzerin will take place in the Bundestag in 2025

“I didn’t find a good idea, the app didn’t make it into the existing app stores,” says Stadträtin Julia Bombien (42, SPD). It’s not Nachholbedarf.

Laut Stadtverwaltung sei einbindung in App-Stores derzeit nicht planted.